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Natural treatments for damaged and split

Natural treatments for damaged and split hair

Natural treatments for damaged and split hair

Are you looking for some natural hair remedies to restore life and shine to your sun-damaged or chemically treated hair? Want to know how to repair dry, split ends and stimulate hair follicles to encourage hair growth? Try one or all of these natural remedies for eco-friendly and cost-effective hair care solutions that you can make in your kitchen.

Natural Hair Care Remedies 

1. Aloe Vera Hair Conditioner : Aloe vera juice is used topically to treat burns, speed up healing, and moisturize the skin, just to name a few of its many uses. Its medicinal effectiveness dates back centuries.

Steps to make the conditioner

  • To prepare a quick scalp treatment with high hydration:
  • Break off some aloe vera leaves and use a knife to scrape the aloe vera gel into a small dish.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon of honey, and 1 tablespoon of hot water.
  • Mix the ingredients well and then apply directly to the scalp with your fingertips.
  • Massage it well to stimulate the sebaceous glands, and leave it for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Remove with your favorite gentle shampoo and let hair air dry naturally.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Tonic  Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic (hence the name) so it restores the natural pH balance. Dilute it with one part water to one part vinegar before using it on your hair as a final rinse to remove dead skin cells and bacteria from your scalp. An apple cider vinegar rinse is a natural hair tonic that restores shine and provides a deep clean at the same time.

Tip : Although more research is needed, apple cider vinegar is also known to help treat hair loss.

3. Avocado Hair Mask:  The antioxidants and healthy oils in avocado repair damaged and split ends and moisturize the hair cuticle. If you regularly use heat on your hair to dry or style it, using an avocado hair treatment regularly will help protect your hair from dryness or breakage.

Steps to make tonic

  • Mash a quarter cup of ripe avocado with a tablespoon of honey and one egg yolk.
  • Massage into hair and scalp, then wrap hair loosely over head.
  • Cover with a shower cap and a warm towel and wait for 10 minutes.
  • Wash and style your hair as usual.

4. Chamomile tea is a healing drink: If you thought the only benefit of chamomile tea was to calm your tense nerves, you are in for a pleasant surprise. A homemade hair rinse made from this tea is the perfect way to help blonde hair retain its golden color.

Boil two cups (one to drink and one to use), and allow one cup of hot tea to cool to room temperature. Use as a final rinse after shampooing to treat those golden locks with a natural hair tonic.

5. Eggs are a great hair treatment: Use egg yolks to make a homemade hair conditioner that acts as a natural moisturizer for dry and damaged hair. The protein in eggs helps rebuild the hair cuticle. You can customize your hair treatment by adding different ingredients to achieve the desired results.

  • For example, mix one or two egg yolks with honey, a natural moisturizer, and olive oil for a deep scalp treatment.

  • Add lemon juice to egg yolk to give hair a high shine and provide a natural lightening effect.

Tip : You can save the egg whites to make a healthy omelette or a delicious fat-free cake. Or you can use them to make natural hair masks.

6. Honey is good for hair:  You probably already use honey as part of your natural remedies arsenal because of its reputation for healing and moisturizing. Those same properties that make it a rich and nourishing skin care treatment are the reasons why you can use it as a home scalp treatment to keep your scalp healthy and avoid problems like itching or dandruff.

Use honey as a humectant when preparing your own hair conditioner for the best moisturizing results and soft hair. You can also add a little honey to your favorite brand of shampoo or conditioner to give hair a little extra nourishment.

7. Lemon Juice:  Using lemon juice to lighten hair is a myth, but did you know that lemon juice must be diluted with water before using it? Just like apple cider vinegar, lemon juice is acidic and should be stored in a buffer before use. Use filtered water if possible, and fresh lemons instead of bottled juice, and mix it in a 1:1 ratio of one part water to one part lemon juice.

For best results, add 1-2 tablespoons of undiluted lemon juice to chamomile tea when preparing a hair rinse. Apply directly to hair and scalp, and allow hair to dry in sunlight for best hair lightening effect.

8. Yogurt:  The active enzymes in yogurt can help turn back the clock when used on the face as a natural exfoliant. These same exfoliating enzymes work to remove dandruff, bacteria, dead and dry skin from the scalp when applied directly to the scalp and massaged in well. Wrap your hair in a warm towel after applying yogurt to it and relax for about 10 minutes. Shampoo your hair as you normally would.

Enough for today. If you feel there is something useful, please share it with your loved ones, and don’t forget to reveal your thoughts in the comment box. Or if you have any great ideas or any questions, don’t forget to share them by commenting. Until then, be happy, keep smiling, keep asking questions, and please keep reading my articles. See you in the next one.
