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Get rid of fat easily by burning fat

Get rid of fat easily by burning fat

Get rid of fat easily by burning fat

I've found some diet tips that work for me and some great electronic gadgets to help me exercise safely. First, there is no magic formula for weight loss. Most diets work over a period of time as long as you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. Simple math, but it's not that easy when you're craving chocolate or some signature treat.

A study by the American Medical Journal concluded that consuming fewer calories per day over a longer period of time is the most effective way to lose and maintain weight. You can't overeat one day and diet for the next expected success.

Additionally, they suggest that low-fat, high-fiber fiber combined with moderate carbohydrates is the best way to maintain permanent weight loss. You will not suffer from hunger pangs with this type of diet which is nutritionally balanced.

The Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research found in their 30-month study that keeping a food diary can double your weight loss if you're part of a managed program. There are many methods designed to help you lose weight.

How do you calculate your calorie needs?

One way to go about your diet is to calculate your calorie needs so you understand what it takes to lose pounds. Multiply your current weight by 12, which is the number of calories needed per day to maintain your current weight.

For example: If your weight is 150 lbs multiplied by 12, it will equal 1800 calories to maintain 150 lbs. Then reduce your caloric intake by 300 calories per day and increase your activity by 200 calories per day, for a total of 500 calories. Since 1 pound of fat equals 3,500 calories, you will lose 1 pound per week with this plan, which requires very little effort.

Boost your weight loss success

Tips that will enhance your chance of success in a weight loss program:

  • Keep a diary and write down everything you eat, when you eat it, emotions if you play a role in when you eat or food choice and keep details about your exercise.
  • The Fitbit tracker is a very accurate way to measure the total calories burned.
  • There are many websites where you can keep track of the calories you eat.
  • Don't keep anything high in sugar calories in your home that you can't resist.
  • Do your grocery shopping before starting the diet; shop when you're not hungry; Loading of fruits and vegetables.
  • Read labels carefully and choose low-salt items. Try to avoid products that contain corn syrup.
  • Most vegetables contain good carbohydrates except for corn and potatoes.
  • High-fiber food takes longer to chew and digest so you stay full for a longer period of time.
  • Avoid soft drinks that contain sugar and note the calories in fruit juices because they are often higher than you might expect.
  • Make plans for all your meals and snacks each day, preferably the day before.
  • Don't miss the meal. It is ideal to eat 4 or 5 smaller meals than one large meal.
  • If you need a snack, eat a piece of fruit.
  • Drink plenty of water, especially after exercise to prevent dehydration.
  • Use mustard, ketchup, fat-free mayonnaise, or diet salad dressings.
  • One effective thing when eating out is to cut your meal in half and ask the waiter for a ready-made box before you start eating. Ask him to put half of the food in the navigation box.
  • all slowly. Put the fork or spoon down between each bite.
  • Weigh once a week. You will notice weight loss due to the fit of your clothes.
  • Stretch before exercise to prevent muscle damage.
  • Check your heart rate while resting and doing aerobic exercise

Burn belly fat

Cardiovascular exercises are a good way to burn belly fat, including:

  • swimming.
  • trot.
  • Cycling.
  • Aerobics.
  • Walking.
  • dance.

Check your heart rate with aerobics

You need to know your target heart rate. The typical formula for a layman is 220 minus your age 60% and 90%. For example, if you are 30 years old using the above formula 220-30 + 190 times 60% = 114 and 90% times = 171. So your target heart rate is 114-171. Use the second hand on your watch and count your pulse in the carotid artery on either side of your throat for 15 seconds and multiply by 4, or you can count for a full minute.

There are devices on some equipment in gyms that give you your heart rate. There are many watches that will keep track of your heart rate.

Body fat - BMI explained

There are electronic tools that help you assess the composition of your body fat or see how many calories you burn. From a psychological point of view, these are useful for monitoring your progress.

It is helpful to understand the terminology used to assess body fat if you want to use more than just a regular scale. We hear the term BMI frequently, which means body fat index. This number is calculated from a person's weight and height and is a reliable indicator of body obesity, and there are many BMI calculators on the Internet.

As for BMI measurements, if you are under 20, you usually have a lower amount of body fat. A scale of 20 to 22 is considered ideal and healthy, associated with longer living, and has the lowest incidence of serious illness. A BMI of 22-25 is an acceptable range for good health, but you may want to lose a few extra pounds. If your BMI is 25-30 you are slightly overweight and should lose some weight.

A BMI of more than 30 indicates an unhealthy condition and that your excess weight puts you at risk for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, and some types of cancer.

Electronic body fat log

There are calculators and body fat analyzers. Omron HBF-306 is reasonably priced, and it measures body fat with a gentle microcurrent. It has two modes, Sport and Normal, that provide accurate results based on your exercise regimen. It will provide measurements for Bi method (Bioelectrical Impedance Method) and BMI (Body Mass Index) in about 7 seconds. It features 9 people memory, so that the whole family can keep records

digital pocket pedometer

Another useful device is a pedometer. The Omron HJ-112 Pocket Digital Pedometer has dual sensor technology which means the pedometer can be carried in your pocket or bag. It accurately measures your steps, as well as your aerobic steps and minutes. It measures calorie consumption during exercise and the distance covered. Comes with a detachable seat belt and safety belt

top of the line

If you really want the top of the line, you can get the GoWear fit Lifestyle and Calorie Management System. Clinically proven to accurately track calories, steps, physical activity levels, and sleep efficiency.

It helps you set healthy weight loss goals and is easy to operate. It tracks your progress over time. Optional displays give you minute-by-minute updates. They also have a system where you connect the arm sensor to your computer where data is stored and you receive helpful suggestions.

i n summary

As you can see, there are many tips and tools available to improve your weight loss experience. By using the diary with honesty, you will always have a log of your food intake, exercise log and plan at hand, helping to keep it in your mind above all else.
