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Health risks and malnutrition during pregnancy that expectant mothers should be aware of


Health risks and malnutrition during pregnancy that expectant mothers should be aware of

Health risks and malnutrition during pregnancy that expectant mothers should be aware of

Women have unique nutritional requirements throughout their lives, but this is especially true before, during, and after childbirth when they are most at risk of nutritional deficiencies.  Giving women healthy food, abundant resources, and care is essential to their survival and the well-being of both mothers and their children.  The nutritional status of the mother during pregnancy that is less than what is necessary for the mother, fetus and newborn to achieve the greatest outcome is known as gestational malnutrition.  It also increases the possibility of a number of negative complications

For would-be mothers, malnutrition poses serious risks that include:

1. The association of poor nutrition with the risk of miscarriage.

2. It leads to anemia, weakness and decreased productivity.

3. It can lead to insufficient pregnancy weight growth.

4. Use of certain medications that may prevent food absorption.

5. Lowers immunity which leads to infection.

6. Dental problems including gingivitis, pain and bleeding.

7. Any illness, disability or infirmity directly related to pregnancy.

8. Increases the likelihood of death.

The mother's health is affected by her poor diet during pregnancy.  The mother and her fetus may suffer health problems if they do not get enough nutritious, high-quality food throughout their pregnancy.  Maternal malnutrition increases the risks of preterm birth, maternal death, gestational anemia, hypertension, miscarriage and stillbirth during pregnancy.

Premature deliveries, low birth weight babies, and postpartum hemorrhage are just a few of the negative pregnancy outcomes that are more likely due to maternal malnutrition.  The risk of death in increases when a woman has severe anemia during pregnancy.  A major factor in infant mortality is low birth weight.

Inadequate nutrition at the time of pregnancy may also prevent a woman from getting the extra nutrition she needs during pregnancy.  Additionally, women who are malnourished at the time of pregnancy may find it difficult to meet their increased nutritional requirements

A major problem may result from vitamin deficiencies during pregnancy.  Preeclampsia occurs due to zinc and magnesium deficiency in expectant mothers.  Anemia may result from iron and vitamin B12 deficiency. Nervous system disorders can result from inadequate vitamin B12 intake. Vitamin K deficiency can cause excessive bleeding during labor, while iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to abortion and still birth.

How can malnutrition be avoided?

Eating an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables, water, dietary fibre, proteins, fats and carbohydrates is part of a balanced diet that can help avoid malnutrition.  A pregnant woman may show signs of poor nutrition such as fatigue, anemia, low weight during pregnancy, lightheadedness, high blood pressure, hair loss, dry skin, dental problems, and a weak immune system.

To prevent malnutrition, pregnant women should take prenatal vitamins, eat a balanced diet, and exercise often.  During pregnancy, they have to keep up with their prenatal vitamin regimen and nutritious eating.  For this reason, both mother and child will be safe.

Home remedies for malnutrition

Eating an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables, water, dietary fibre, proteins, fats and carbohydrates is part of a balanced diet that can help avoid malnutrition.  A pregnant woman may show signs of poor nutrition such as fatigue, anemia, low weight during pregnancy, lightheadedness, high blood pressure, hair loss, dry skin, dental problems, and a weak immune system.

To prevent malnutrition, pregnant women should take prenatal vitamins, eat a balanced diet, and exercise often.  During pregnancy, they have to keep up with their prenatal vitamin regimen and nutritious eating.  For this reason, both mother and child will be safe

1. Most malnourished patients need a gradual increase in the consumption of protein, carbohydrates, water, minerals and vitamins.

2. It may be necessary to offer very soft or mashed food to people who have difficulty swallowing, chewing or eating so that they can eat it easily.

3 The patient's diet is discussed with the dietitian and counselor who also provides suggestions and diet programs to increase nutritional intake.

4. To determine if BMI has changed or responded to dietary treatments, it is checked frequently.

5. Vitamin and mineral supplements are often recommended.

6. Persons with disabilities who are unable to prepare meals or shop for themselves, as well as people with mental illness, dementia or long-term illnesses, may require the services of occupational therapists and a multidisciplinary team of physicians.

7. For the purpose of addressing the deficiency in those suffering from protein energy malnutrition, protein bars or supplements may be required.

Treating malnutrition in pregnant women

Since her fetus is growing throughout pregnancy, pregnant women need more calories and nutrients than non-pregnant women.

However, this requirement is not equivalent to "eating for two", as this may lead to maternal obesity from consuming too many calories, as well as malnutrition from a lack of essential nutrients in the diet.

When a woman is pregnant, whether she is malnourished or not, she should take supplements of iris, folic acid and other vitamins and minerals because her body often needs more than a normal diet can provide.

In addition, malnutrition should be evaluated in every hospitalized patient, including children, pregnant women, and the elderly in institutional care.  Adequate nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and exclusive breastfeeding are two ways to avoid malnutrition in children.


The mother's diet has a significant impact on fetal development and birth outcomes.  It is a risk factor that must be evaluated and treated in order to prevent negative obstetric outcomes for the newborn as well as for the mother.  It is essential to maintain a healthy diet throughout pregnancy.  During pregnancy, many vital nutrients become more important to a woman's health than they were before.  If one makes wise nutritional decisions every day, it will be easier to provide the child with what he needs to develop.  It will also ensure that both mom and baby gain the right amount of weight.
