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Causes of allergies and how they affect the body

Causes of allergies and how they affect the body

Causes of allergies and how they affect the body

Allergies are a common health problem that affects millions of people around the world. An allergy is a reaction your body may have to a particular food or substance. Allergies are very common among children, but adults also suffer from them. From seasonal allergies to food allergies, these reactions can range from mild discomfort to life-threatening situations. But what exactly is allergy and why does it occur? In this article, we'll delve into the causes of allergies , how they affect the body, and natural remedies to help relieve symptoms. We will also discuss when to seek medical attention for allergies and how to manage them in daily life.

Causes of allergies

There are various factors that can contribute to the development of allergies. Genetics plays an important role, as allergies tend to run in families. Exposure to allergens at an early age can also increase the likelihood of developing allergies later in life. In addition, environmental factors such as pollution and diet can also play a role in triggering allergies.

The most common allergy

1. Pollen allergy Pollen is a common trigger of seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis. It is a fine powder secreted by plants and trees to fertilize other plants of the same type. For people with pollen allergies, their immune system mistakenly identifies pollen as harmful and releases histamine, causing symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes.

2. Peanut allergy  is one of the most common food allergies, especially in children. It's an immune response to the proteins in peanuts, and even a small amount can trigger a severe allergic reaction. People with a peanut allergy should avoid all products containing peanuts and be careful of cross-contamination.

3. Tree Nut Allergies  Tree nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews, are also common food allergies. Like a peanut allergy, it is an immune response to proteins found in the tree nut. People with this allergy should avoid all types of nuts and be careful of cross-contamination. In some cases, tree nut allergies can be severe and even life-threatening.

4. Allergy to animals  Many people suffer from allergies to animals, especially cats and dogs. It's not the fur itself that causes allergies, but rather the proteins in saliva, dander, and urine. Symptoms of animal allergies can include sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Avoiding exposure to animals or taking allergy medications can help manage these symptoms.

5. Shellfish allergy  Shellfish, such as shrimp, lobster and crab, are common food allergies. It's an immune response to proteins found in shellfish, and even a small amount can trigger a severe allergic reaction. People with a shellfish allergy should avoid all shellfish and be careful of cross-contamination.

Allergy symptoms

  • Itchy eyes.
  • Itchy nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Runny nose.
  • Skin rash.
  • Goosebumps.
  • Stomach cramps.
  • Vomiting.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Swelling of the throat.

How do allergies affect the body?

When the immune system reacts to allergens, it releases histamine and other chemicals that cause inflammation, leading to various symptoms such as sneezing, coughing and itching. In more severe cases, allergies can also cause anaphylaxis, a life-threatening reaction that can lead to difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, and even loss of consciousness.

Natural remedies for allergies

Although there is no cure for allergies, there are natural treatments that can help relieve symptoms and improve overall health. Some of these methods include using a neti pot to clean your nasal passages, incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into your diet, and using essential oils to reduce inflammation and boost your immune system. It is important to consult a healthcare professional before trying any natural remedies, especially if you have severe allergies.

Alkaline diet

Eating an anti-inflammatory diet helps reduce your risk of allergies and other health problems. Eating nutrient-dense foods gives your immune system the ability to repair itself, so it can fight off common allergies in your environment. Here are some of the best foods to include in your diet to help you treat allergies.

1. Eating raw garlic daily helps fight all types of allergies because it boosts your immune system.

2. Lemon - Lemons and limes are excellent fruits for boosting immunity and are used for various health problems including allergies. Both of these fruits are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants. Drinking water with lemon throughout the day detoxifies the body and rids it of toxins.

3. Green leafy vegetables – help reduce inflammation.

4. Probiotic-Rich Foods – Foods containing probiotics support immune health.

5. Bone Broth – Bone broth is rich in many minerals and amino acids that support and help strengthen the immune system.

6. Coconut milk - The best alternative to cow's milk is coconut milk, which is free of dairy, lactose, soy, nuts and grains.

7. Almond butter and seeds – For people with peanut and peanut butter allergies, almond butter is a safe and healthy alternative.

8. Breastfeeding - Studies show that breastfeeding has a protective effect on the early development of asthma and atopic dermatitis.

9. Vitamin D is also important for immune function and may help manage symptoms. You can get enough vitamin D by spending about 15 minutes in the sun most days without using sunscreen, and by eating foods such as whole milk and some mushrooms for natural allergy relief.

10. Local Raw Honey (Bee Pollen) What makes raw honey so powerful at reducing allergies? One reason is that it contains bee pollen, which is known for its ability to prevent infections and allergies and boost immunity. Honey also contains many enzymes that support overall immune function, which helps relieve allergies.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) At the first sign of an allergy, put a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in your neti solution for a “natural sinus flush.”

12. Quercetin  According to a 2020 study, quercetin has anti-allergic effects known to inhibit histamine production. Neti pots are a natural remedy for allergies and many respiratory ailments because they help clear the sinuses and clear congestion.

13. Stinging Nettle Research has shown that stinging nettle naturally controls histamine, which is why a growing number of doctors are recommending taking a freeze-dried preparation before the start of hay fever season.

14Probiotics  It is now known that a strong immune system begins with a healthy gut. More than 80 percent of your immune function is stored in your digestive system. Not surprisingly, research confirms findings linking the use of probiotic supplements to a reduced risk of allergies.

When to seek medical care for allergies

Although allergies can be controlled with natural remedies, it is important to know when to seek medical attention. If you experience severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or throat, or a rapid pulse, it is essential to seek immediate medical help. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if your allergies are significantly affecting your daily life or if you are not sure what is causing your allergies.
