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Top 10 foods to stop eating to lose weight quickly and safely

Top 10 foods to stop eating to lose weight quickly and safely

 Top 10 foods to stop eating to lose weight quickly and safely

Does it amaze you that there are certain foods that you should not eat if you want to maintain your body shape? You love eating that favorite meal or you can’t do with that your favorite soda, but what effect does it have to your body weight

Losing weight can be such a long process at times especially if you are on diet and have to stick to some particular meals or have to forgo some sumptuous meal, but guess what? It is all worth it to achieve that flat tummy and figure eight that you sought for.

The journey on your desired weight starts with cutting down on your dietary changes and cutting down on fats is very important here. Losing weight is not starving yourself. It is knowing what to eat, being physically active and knowing the foods to avoid.

While on your journey to lose some extra pounds, here are the top ten foods you should stop eating to lose weight. Ten foods to stop eating to lose weight

1. White rice

This cereal is packed with calories. White rice contains about 130 calories per 100 grams. White rice lacks vitamins and essential minerals during the refining processes. Also, white rice is quickly processed into sugar which makes you to become hungry quickly because it only sustains hunger for a short time. In this case, there is every tendency that you’d like to eat more food. For trying to lose weight, white rice should be avoided and brown rice taken instead.

2. Sugary beverages

This actually has added sweeteners and flavors. A can of soda contains about 7 to 10 grams of sugar. Which if taken daily, you did be increasing the amount of calories in your body. A glass of lemon water, apple cider vinegar drink and green tea can be preferable for great weight loss.

3. Processed meats

This includes sausages, salami, beef, and canned meat. These contains many added flavors, additives and fats, lacking fiber, vitamins, and proteins. Processed meat should be avoided and tuna taken instead. Tuna is a lean fish as it contains low calories and fat but also is high in protein.

4. French fries

French fries contains 427 calories for a 4.7 ounces serving. This is usually made with potatoes and deep fried, and often eating with other junk foods like ketchup and cheese, these increases the rate of gaining weight.

5. Red meat

Meats like pork, beef, lamb and mutton, veal is packed with proteins and irons and, some fats in red meat are saturated fats which when eaten in excess, this can increase the rate of heart disease, blood cholesterol and weight gain. Taking a limited portion of red meat like twice a week is much healthier if your want to avoid weight gain.

6. Whipped cream and ice cream:

This is made with heavy cream and it contains calories, fat, sugar and milk which could lead to weight gain if consumed too much.

7. Chocolates

While dark chocolate has health benefits, milk chocolates are packed with sugar and calories and they have very low nutrients. Some milk chocolate increase appetites and makes you want to have more.

8. Peanut butter

Fried chicken is increased cholesterols and packed with unhealthy fats and carbs. Because it is usually deep fried, these fats and calories are on the high side and much consumption of fried chicken can cause increased health issues and weight gain.

Much preferably, grilled chicken or stir-fried should be the best way to prepare your chicken if you want to lose weight healthily.

9. Fried chicken

Fried chicken is increased cholesterols and packed with unhealthy fats and carbs. Because it is usually deep fried, these fats and calories are on the high side and much consumption of fried chicken can cause increased health issues and weight gain.

Much preferably, grilled chicken or stir-fried should be the best way to prepare your chicken if you want to lose weight healthily.

10. Soya bean oil

This contains unsaturated fats, high in calorie and can help add weight.

Final notes:

There you have it. The Top ten foods to stop eating to lose weight. Although, these foods have high calories and you'd want to eat it occasionally, it is preferably that you abstain from it completely if you want to achieve healthy weight loss.
