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ood groups to avoid when you have arthritis

Joint pain and food groups to avoid when infected

Food groups to avoid when you have arthritis

When you have arthritis , that means your joints can become inflamed; To reduce pain symptoms, you need to follow an anti-inflammatory diet. Anti-inflammatory foods are plant-based and rich in healthy fats and phytonutrients. These foods will also keep your sugar level stable if you have diabetes. In addition, the foods in this group help reduce joint pain, help you lose weight and give you a healthy lifestyle.

The bottom line is that it is a win-win solution. Your sore joints will be better, and you will lose weight, which in turn will help your joints and start living healthier. You may even be able to reduce medications that have side effects.

 Foods and drinks you should avoid.

sugar .

First, you should reduce your sugar intake, especially if you suffer from arthritis. Sugar is found in:

  • sugary drinks like soda
  • Desserts, yeah, sorry, no pie and ice cream or donuts.
  • fried foods.
  • the cheese.
  • creamy sauces.
  • sweets.
  • Barbecue sauce. Those are just a few... Sugary drinks are just as likely to increase your risk of arthritis, as are soda or Coca-Cola.

Studies have found it in 1,000 people between the ages of 20 and 30. People who drank fructose-sweetened beverages five times a week were three times more likely to develop arthritis than those who drank little or no fructose-sweetened beverages.

processed foods.

Processed foods are high in interleukin-6 (IL-6), which is a very high level of inflammatory reaction.

Processed foods such as fast food, breakfast cereals, and baked goods are very high in grains, added sugar, and preservatives. A study found that people with rheumatoid arthritis who eat a highly processed diet are more likely to develop heart disease.

The flesh is red.

Red meat is also rich in markers of inflammation such as CRP (C-reactive protein), and just like processed foods, this too contains IL-6.

Studies show that rheumatoid arthritis has also been found to exacerbate symptoms with red meat. In addition, they found that eating red meat is a risk factor for those with inflammatory arthritis.

Food containing gluten.

Gluten products such as wheat, barley, and rye are associated with increased inflammation in the body. Also, if you have celiac disease, you are at a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis has a higher incidence of celiac disease than anyone else.

Vegetable oils.

You thought omega oils would be right for you. But studies have found that diets high in omega-6 fats and low in omega-3 fats can worsen symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

In some ways, these omega fats help improve your health; An imbalance between the two can lead to increased inflammation. A healthy balance should be to reduce vegetable oils such as omega-6 and increase omega-3, which is rich in fatty fish.

 salt products.

You should cut down on salt if you suffer from arthritis. Food that is high in salt includes:

  • shrimp.
  • canned soup.
  • the pizza.
  • certain cheeses
  • processed meat.
  • And many other equipped items. Researchers have found that arthritis makes inflammation worse with a high sodium intake.

Advanced glycation end products (ages)

These elements are molecules created through a reaction between sugar and protein or sugar and fat. It is found naturally in uncooked animal foods and is created through some cooking methods. The richest food sources of weathering are those high in protein and high in fat animal foods. When you have arthritis, you should avoid the following.

  • Fried or grilled steak.
  • Grilled or fried chicken.
  • and grilled sausages.
  • French fries.
  • American cheese.
  • Margarine and mayonnaise.

Too many AGEs in your body will send oxidative stress, and inflammation may worsen. Instead of these high-age foods, if you have arthritis, it's a good idea to eat whole foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, and fish.


When you have arthritis, eating a healthy diet is a must. You should start by emptying your kitchen cupboards with junk food and then making a shopping list of good foods like fruits and vegetables; Instead of dairy, choose gluten-free products, don't eat red meat, eat only chicken or turkey, and much more.
