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Low-carb diet for relieving Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Low-carb diet for relieving Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Low-carb diet for relieving Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If you, like thousands of other people, suffer from chronic pain and discomfort from something we've all heard of, you may find some of the advice here helpful. Does eating make you feel bloated, give you diarrhea or irregular bowel movements, embarrassing gas, and frequent heartburn? No matter what degree these symptoms may be, you will likely be referred to a dietitian who will put you on a low-carb  diet . right? FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, which are irritants found in certain foods that some studies have suggested cause IBS and should be reduced in your diet

Symptoms of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine

If you want to be successful in getting to the bottom of your digestive issues and ultimately treating them, it is important to understand the root cause. While the number of potential causes is wide and varied, I'm going to focus on one in particular - it's called SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). This condition produces methane in the gut, which can irritate the lining of the gut (further exacerbating IBS and underlying problems that may have existed before the onset of methane) with some of the main symptoms being its biggest indicators. These are as follows:

  • bloating
  • Stomach ache. 
  • diarrhea 
  • Loss of appetite (in severe cases). 
  • Weight gain (for others). 
  • nausea. 
  •  Chronic feeling of fullness. 
  • heartburn. 

The most prominent symptoms

While some of the symptoms of SIBO  overlap with those of IBS, there is one indicator in between, and that is bloating. Speaking from experience, and from other accounts I've heard from those with the condition, bloating to the point where you look like you're six months pregnant' isn't uncommon with this one. Although it can be difficult to diagnose given the sheer number of possible causes that can lead to ibs, the symptom with perhaps the biggest single indicator, in the case of SIBO, is bloating. Many people are bloated to the point of feeling chronically full (which, of course, can lead to other problems, such as poor diet and vitamin deficiencies), and this is often accompanied by belching and excessive gas. The extreme nature of this phenomenon can lead to a feeling of nausea or fullness from vomiting, due to the stretching of the abdomen.  

Take complete control of your diet (which, if left unchecked, will eventually cause an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine of its own accord. Strong, long-term treatment is usually needed

If you suspect that you have bacterial overgrowth such as bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, or another type of bacterial imbalance, based on the symptoms you've mentioned here, the first thing you'll want to do is get tested to confirm it. As I said earlier, a low-FODMAP diet and nutritional advice from a professional can be helpful, but dietary changes alone are often ineffective in the long term, depending on the underlying cause of the condition. I'm putting this information out there because bacterial imbalance issues are so common and so often overlooked—you'll almost certainly ignore them if you're looking for help from a traditional gastroenterologist  or primary care physician. Insist on taking the test and taking your health into your own hands. 

In conclusion, low-carb diets can be an effective strategy for IBS and health issues for some people, but they may not be appropriate for everyone. It is important to understand the potential risks and benefits, and to consult with a healthcare professional before starting a low-carb diet. If you decide to try a low-carb diet, be sure to focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods and stay hydrated to ensure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs.
