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Having a Baby at 50 Naturally Encouraging News for Increasing Your Chances

Lifestyle factors greatly increase the chances of getting pregnant at an older age
Having a Baby at 50 Naturally Encouraging News for Increasing Your Chances

Are you trying to conceive at the age of 50+? You are not alone or an anomaly. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 1,073 births in women age 50 or older in the United States in 2019, which is up from 959 births in 2018. The number of births in this category also The age range has been steadily increasing since 1997. If you're getting close to 50 or have reached that milestone and still want to have a baby and get pregnant, there's encouraging news at the forefront of research about lifestyle changes that may help you on your journey. You may also have genetics on your side.

The reasons why a woman wants to have a baby at the age of 50 are many. Many women pursue vacancies in their youth, change their minds about wanting children at an older age, or simply never met a desirable partner in their younger years. But there is also evidence that rates of first marriage increase in people over 40, which helps motivate the desire for children at the mother's older age. The Journal of Marriage and Family notes that between 1990 and 2019, first marriage rates for women ages 40 to 59 quadrupled in the United States.

The desire for children can continue into their fifties

Although the quality of eggs decreases with age, that is not the end of the story. This is the only case where genetics may play a role in your favor. The age at which you reach menopause is largely related to the age at which your mother reached menopause.

According to a study conducted at the Copenhagen Graduate School of Health Sciences and Fertility Clinic at Copenhagen University Hospital, mothers who reach menopause later in life have daughters with higher egg reserves and AMH levels later in life. So, if your mother reached menopause at the upper end of the scale—at 58, for example—the odds are similar that your age at menopause. Although you can't predict exactly what your age will be at menopause, a regular menstrual cycle in your 50s is an indicator of your fertility potential.

Furthermore, the argument is that the longer the period of time before you run out of eggs, the longer the period of time that the quality of your eggs will also be higher. It's possible that your mother's late menopause at 58 could mean that your egg quality extends further than that of a woman whose mother went through menopause at 52.

Improving the quality of eggs upon reaching the age of fifty

The main reason given to women over 40 who are having difficulty getting pregnant is that the quality of the eggs is deteriorating. But the quality of eggs can be improved. And the pathways through which egg quality can be improved are the same, whether you're 35, 40, or over 50. Here are some lifestyle factors that you can employ to help you in your quest to conceive at any age! Eggs take 3 to 4 months to mature, so you'll want to adopt lifestyle changes for at least 3 months. Although you may be older and feel like you have less time to conceive, adopting a healthier lifestyle for this time period can greatly help your overall health and longevity, which is always a plus!

Lifestyle factors that may significantly increase the chances of a normal pregnancy at an older age

1. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids extends female reproductive life and helps improve egg quality A study published in Aging Cell, a peer-reviewed journal on the biology of aging, notes that in the past 100 years the amount of omega-6 fatty acids has been increased Comparison of omega-3 fatty acids in the human diet significantly increased, with adverse effects on reproductive and other human health factors. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the diet was a century ago tradition of 1:1, with diets high in fish, shellfish, and other seafood. Today, the ratio can be as bad as 25:1. This is because the Western diet is rich in processed vegetable oils.

The study notes that "omega-3 fatty acids may provide an effective and practical means of delaying ovarian aging and improving oocyte (egg cell) quality in an advanced maternal age." Of particular note in the study was the suggestion that fortifying the diet with omega-3 fatty acids, particularly at the age when human female fertility begins to decline, may help significantly to prolong fertility and increase egg quality at the same time.

Incorporating cold-water fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids into your diet, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines, several times a week is the best way to reap this benefit. Additionally, keeping the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids as close to a 1:1 ratio as possible would be ideal, although stressful with the typical Western diet. Eliminating or significantly reducing foods that contain sunflower, corn, soybean, and cottonseed oils, and the processed foods that contain them, is a great way to do this.

2. Eating certain foods that prevent inflammation may increase fertility Some foods and drinks contain substances called mTor inhibitors that help extend life by controlling unhealthy cell division. MTor inhibitors have been found to extend and maintain ovarian function because they also naturally help extend the life of healthy cells, which in turn helps improve egg quality and maturation. Adding these natural food-derived products to your diet may help boost your fertility by inhibiting mTor:

1. Curcumin: The best sources are turmeric and curry.

2. Resveratrol: Great sources include grapes, red wine, grape juice, blueberries, blueberries, and cranberries.

3. EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate): green, black and white tea.

4. Genistein: Soy is the most concentrated source, however, soy consumption is controversial for female reproductive tumor growth issues. Other sources of genistein include chickpeas, beans, beans, peas, and butterbeans.

4. Caffeine: tea and coffee. A study published by Elsevier Science indicated that both regular and decaffeinated coffee inhibit mTor. Decaffeinated teas and coffees still contain a small amount of caffeine.

5. DIM (3, 3-diindolylmethane): Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts are excellent sources.

Habits that increase longevity also increase fertility

1. Intermittent Fasting: Limiting the hours of the day when you eat allows the body to use the hours of not eating to heal itself and do cellular “cleaning.”

2. Calorie Restriction: Restricting the amount of calories in the diet has been found to stimulate reproduction due to reduced inflammatory stress and improved insulin sensitivity. Elsevier Science published a study that noted that caloric restriction "was also found to slow the aging process of the ovaries, thus extending reproductive life."

3. Strength training: Regular and advanced light strength training using hand weights or body resistance (such as lunges and modified push-ups) has been found to help balance hormones and reduce insulin sensitivity. It helps to prolong the health and functioning of the ovaries for a longer period, as these processes help reduce the inflammatory process of cellular aging on the ovaries. Strength training has also been found to significantly reduce perimenopausal and menopausal hot flashes and episodes, depression and crying spells, and prevent osteoporosis and balance problems in perimenopausal women.

Carefully incorporating one or all of the techniques in this article into your health regimen may help you bring much joy into the world at age 50. Research in this area is still young but it is picking up speed as more women are interested in having a natural pregnancy in their 50s!
