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Weight loss tips and ways to get fit


Weight loss tips and ways to get fit

Weight loss tips and ways to get fit

 The classic debate about calories. Well, let me tell you that this is pure science and has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I've had conversations with some naysayers regarding this topic, but for some reason they continue to challenge the science behind it. I am no expert in this field, however, I have implemented this concept in my fitness regimen and the results are amazing!

To keep it simple, here is my take on "calories in vs calories out":

  • Calories are a measure of the energy content of a food.
  •  Your body needs calories to perform its basic functions to sustain life. (such as breathing, physical activity, and circulation)
  • 1 pound of body fat is equivalent to about 3,500 calories.
  • If you were to cut your calories by 500/day over the course of 7 days, you would lose about 1 pound per week! (Double this effort to lose 2 pounds per week.)
  • Conversely, if you were to consume over 500 extra calories per day for 7 days, you would gain 1 pound of body fat in a week.
  • The idea behind calories in versus calories out is to put your body into a total caloric deficit.

Move more or eat less (combine them for best results)

In my opinion, there are two simple ways to create this deficit. Move more or eat less. (for best results, combine them)

Moving more is as simple as it sounds. Get off your ass and move more throughout the day. Try to take as many steps as possible, whether it's doing more housework, climbing stairs, walking your dog or doing cardio, just get up and get moving! You can burn a lot of calories this way without much effort. I was trying to walk at least 10,000 steps a day, no matter what.

Eating less for most people will become very difficult. Let's face it, eating is something we have to do to live without saying it's fun. However, if your goal is to lose weight , you will have to challenge your willpower and teach yourself how to eat just enough to meet your daily needs. If you can't take the time to count your calories or follow a strict diet, simply reduce your portion sizes overall throughout the day.

If you usually have a second serving at dinner, try to eat just one. If you normally eat 2 cups of rice with your meal, reduce it to 1 cup. If you drink 6 cans of Coke a day, try cutting that down to 3. Making these simple changes to your diet can have a huge impact on your waistline, and the more you lose, the more weight you'll lose.

Make smart food alternatives

Without going into too much detail, you should really consider choosing lower-calorie versions of some of your favorite foods and drinks. Below I will include some examples to illustrate my point.

1. Beef - Choose the leanest cut available. Look for 96% lean ground beef.

2. Chicken - Stick to chicken breast, it has fewer calories compared to dark meat.

3. Fish - Stick to low calories (tuna, tilapia, cod).

4. Potatoes - low in calories in carbs. But don't fry it! 110 calories per serving!

5. Bread - aim for multigrain or wheat. Buy bread that has 50 calories or less per slice.

6. Rice - A good source of carbohydrates, but it is high in calories, just make sure you weigh your portions.

7. Vegetables - eat them! To stay full, try making a salad more often. Frozen vegetables are also suitable.

8. Fruit - My diet consists mainly of apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, and cantaloupe.

9. Salads - There are plenty of low-fat/low-calorie types out there, make sure you measure them out before pouring.

10. Beverages - I've switched to drinking carb-only water, zero-calorie soda, and coffee.

11. Condiments - Most stores sell sugar-free ketchup, bbq sauce, coffee creamer, etc... Use it!

12. Sweeteners - There is some debate about the risks of using them. 

13. Oil - This was the hardest thing to change in my diet, but it's a must. There are tons of different calorie-free oils that you can use along with calorie-free butter-flavored versions. Do not use conventional oils when cooking. One tablespoon equals about 150 calories depending on the brand, and that can add up very quickly.

14. Stay away! - I avoided butter, peanut butter, avocado and high-calorie juices. These foods taste great, but are very high in calories considering the serving size. Avocados are indeed very healthy, but they are high in calories, so be sure to measure whether you want to include them in your diet.

In conclusion, keep it very simple and don't rush the process. If you eat more calories than your body needs, you will gain weight. If you burn more calories than your body needs, you will lose weight. Apply this simple concept in your life and the results will amaze you! There are no secrets, magic pills, or superfood supplements, this is just basic science and it applies to everyone. 
