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Chinese acupuncture and what are the long-term benefits of acupuncture?

 Chinese acupuncture and what are the long-term benefits of acupuncture?

Chinese acupuncture and what are the long-term benefits of acupuncture?

Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years. The fact that it is still used today is proof that it provides benefits that last. In oriental medicine, health experts have relied on this technique to treat pain and fertility problems.

In the United States, acupuncture has been shown to relieve chronic pain and anxiety, promote weight loss, treat depression, and reduce hot flashes in postmenopausal women. About 10 million Americans seek acupuncture each year.

But what exactly is acupuncture? How it works? What are the long term benefits of acupuncture? Here's what you need to know about the Chinese healing technique.


Acupuncture is a form of alternative treatment based on traditional Chinese medicine. This ancient healing method uses fine needles inserted into the skin at various locations throughout the body known as meridians, or energy points.

History of acupuncture

The oldest written records of acupuncture are from China, where historians believe it was practiced around 3,000 years ago. Records in The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine dating back to 100 BC describe this treatment as one of the most structured forms of diagnosis and treatment.

According to the publication, acupuncturists mastered the energy flows in the human body and passed the knowledge on from one generation to the next. This continued until the technique became an established treatment in China and spread to other parts of the world.

Today, acupuncture is an integral part of Chinese medicine that is used along with massage and diet recommendations to treat disorders ranging from digestive issues to chronic pain. In North America, thousands of licensed acupuncturists also offer acupuncture as part of their services.

How does acupuncture work?

Traditional practice views illness as a disruption of energy, which flows through pathways called meridians in your body. Acupuncturists believe that illness occurs when qi is blocked somewhere along these pathways, creating an imbalance that affects overall health.

Insertion of fine needles at specific points on these meridians removes these blockages and restores balance. With each needle insertion comes a dull or sharp sensation. This is what causes many people to feel relaxed or partially uncomfortable during an acupuncture session.

Acupuncturists may also use moxibustion, which is a process that involves applying heat to specific areas of the body. This is done by means of moxa cornices placed over a thick cloth or an acupuncture needle.

What are the long term benefits of acupuncture?

Many people swear by the healing powers of acupuncture. Millions of individuals see this therapy as a better alternative to dealing with stress, anxiety, and pain than relying on invasive procedures such as surgery. Some of the long-term benefits of acupuncture include:

1. Relieves Pain Pain relief is perhaps the most well-known benefit of acupuncture. This ancient Chinese medicine helps relieve symptoms caused by conditions such as arthritis, back and neck pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, sprains and strains, as well as headaches.

According to a review published in the Journal of Pain Research, acupuncture has been shown to be effective in relieving pain caused by fibromyalgia among women. When inserted correctly, needles can release imbalances and promote healing by restoring a healthy flow of qi (energy). In Western medicine, acupuncture is believed to enhance circulation and release endorphins to promote feelings of well-being.

2. Reduces inflammation When you get a cut or scratch, your body's natural inflammatory response begins to heal. If inflammation reaches chronic levels, it can lead to serious problems such as cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Acupuncture releases endorphins and other hormones that help relieve pain and reduce swelling. By reducing inflammation and irritation in the affected areas, you can experience significant pain relief without having to resort to medication or surgery. Some studies suggest that a combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and naturopathy can help patients recover from long-term inflammatory conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

3. Relieves Depression Acupuncture can relieve symptoms of depression as effectively as antidepressants in people with mild but chronic depression, according to a Frontiers in Psychology publication.

Other studies also suggest that this drug can help prevent bouts of depression by changing how certain brain receptors respond to serotonin, a happiness neurotransmitter.

4. Promotes better sleep If you regularly suffer from insomnia or restless nights, your ability to function in daily life is likely at risk. Over-the-counter sleep aids may provide a temporary solution, but they can cause habits and harm your health in other ways.

As an alternative to sleeping pills, ask your doctor about going for acupuncture sessions as a treatment for lack of sleep. Experts believe this ancient treatment method can be effective in reducing sleep latency (the time it takes to fall asleep).

5. Improves Fertility Traditional Chinese Medicine describes infertility as a condition caused by blockages in the qi pathways and circulatory problems in the uterus. Acupuncture helps the endometrium stay healthy by promoting blood flow to the uterus. It may also play an important role in regulating hormone levels, resulting in better ovulation rates. For pregnant women, this remedy may help reduce pregnancy-related symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, and mood swings.

6. Aids in Weight Loss If you are struggling to lose weight, acupuncture may be the missing link. A 2018 study found that this method is a better weight loss alternative than following some diet programs or engaging in workouts. However, a combination of the three methods can help you achieve your weight loss goals faster and more effectively.

What conditions can acupuncture treat?

Here is a quick summary of some of the more common conditions that can be treated with acupuncture:

1. Emotional problems, including stress, anxiety, insomnia, and neurosis.

2. Digestive problems, such as hepatitis, gastritis, hemorrhoids, and irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Gynecological diseases such as menstrual pain and infertility.

4. Neurological problems, including headaches, migraines, Parkinson's disease, and stroke.

5. Respiratory disorders such as sinusitis, bronchitis, and allergic rhinitis.

6. Problems of the musculoskeletal system. For example back, neck, muscle and arthritis pain.

What should you consider when choosing acupuncture?

If you are interested in trying acupuncture for your health issues, consider the following:

Talk to the doctor

Your primary care physician is a great place to start if you want to try acupuncture. They can help you assess whether or not it's right for you and may recommend qualified practitioners in your area.
