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There are many benefits of beetroot that are beneficial to all segments of society

 There are many benefits of beetroot that are beneficial to all segments of society

There are many benefits of beetroot that are beneficial to all segments of society

Beetroot, also known as beet , golden beet, red beet or blood turnip, is a nutritious, ageless vegetable typically grown for its tasty leaves and flavorful root (used to prepare delicious cuisine around the world).

It is a 1 to 2 m tall herbaceous rootstock plant of the Amaranthaceae family that features alternate oval leaves and a purple wedge root system. The roots, stems and veins of beet leaves are red, just like those of any other plant in the Amaranthaceae family, including bottlenose, spinach, chard, cockscomb and saltbush. This is due to the betalain pigments contained in it. The long growing season, adaptability to ideal temperatures between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and tolerance for both harsh temperate and tropical conditions in saline soils, make beets a highly adaptable food crop.

Origin of beetroot

Beetroot, a variety of the beet plant (Beta vulgaris) is believed to have originated from the Mediterranean region of Eastern Europe. Long before now, archaeologists have found traces of the presence of beets in Babylon, Greece, Rome, Artswood in the Netherlands, and the era of the Saqqara pyramid in Thebes in Egypt, all dating back to the third millennium of the ancient civilization. However, they face the challenge of continuous evolution, unavailability of updated experimental tools and differences in beet cultivars.

All current varieties of beets originated in Greece around 300 BC, according to a comprehensive investigation of ancient literature, paintings and carbon dating conducted in recent years. Greek farmers supposedly grew the oldest beetroot species, which resembled a carrot, mostly for medicinal purposes. The leaves were used to make anesthetics, laxatives and aphrodisiacs, while the purple-colored sphenoid root was used for Apollo, the Greek sun god, in the Temple of Delphi. Conversely, the Romans grew beets as food.

Beetroot varieties 

Thus, industrialization in the 16th and 17th centuries paved the way for the transportation of beets to Australia, India, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, the USA and other parts of the world. After successful cultivation, development and plant science soon transformed this wonderful food crop from a long, thin root vegetable into the thick, rounded wedge-shaped root commonly sold in markets.

 Common beetroot species and cultivars of Beta vulgaris: Bull's Blood, Chiodgia, Boldor, Avalanche, Egyptian Crosby, Cylindrica, Orchard Beet, Sugar Beet, Table Beet, and Mangilurzel It has a rounded feature and is either a monochromatic or multicolored bulb.

Nutritional composition of beetroot

Beetroot is a repository of essential vitamins, phytonutrients and minerals required for the proper functioning of the human body system. Its high fiber content, low calories, and the presence of countless phytochemical and biochemical components such as flavonoids, saponins, polyphenols, betalains (betaxanthin, betacyanin), anthocyanins, carotenoids, fugaxanthin, and organic acids make it an ideal inclusion in any nutritional plan. It may interest you to know that the ancient Greeks and Romans used beets to heal wounds and treat skin irritations, constipation, toothache, cancer, malnutrition, heart complications, cancer, mental illness, etc. Even after thousands of years, its medicinal prowess has never diminished but the wax's power is maintained as nutritionists conduct in-depth research and chemical analysis. Food scientists have recently confirmed that beets are an excellent alternative for pregnant women, athletes, diabetics, people with mental disabilities, ulcer patients, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, and anemia.

5 health benefits of consuming beets

1. Protects against cardiovascular diseases. According to the Cancer Protection magazine, beets are remarkably rich in inorganic nitrates and amino acids. These components, according to a 2015 study, are responsible for stabilizing blood pressure and improving blood flow throughout the body. Nitrates and nitrites produced by this molecule during metabolism in the body have vasodilator effects and are inhibitors of the pathogenesis of disease, congenital heart defects, arrhythmias, valve growth, and heart failure. Nutrition experts have also proven that eating beets can prevent cardiomyopathy, a disease that may arise as a result of repeated chemotherapy.

2. Stomach-Friendly In fact, beets are very easy to digest and thus have a great effect on bowel movement. An article published in the Journal of Food Chemistry confirms that its high content of fibre, polyphenols and beta-cyanine helps in maximum control of the digestive system, thus preventing the growth of pathogens, development of ulcers, bloating, constipation, and digestive disorders of all kinds.

3. Prevents Cancer Cell Metastasis Cancer is no match for the amazing bioactive ingredients of beets, even without its attractive appearance or delicious flavour. For centuries, Persian, Chinese and Ayurvedic traditional doctors have used this wonderful vegetable to treat colon, breast, prostate and pancreatic cancer. Modern nutritionists are confident that its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities have an effect on the prevention of cancer metastasis. Regular beetroot consumption is very effective in reducing the risk of cancer associated with oxidative stress.

4. Effective treatment of neurodegenerative diseases It is important to know that the health deviations of neurodegenerative diseases caused by the pathological imbalance in the production and inactivation of free radicals can be managed by beetroot consumption. Yes! Adequate consumption of beets improves cerebral blood flow and cognitive functions. In order to most effectively reduce the risks of Alzheimer's, Huntington's, Parkinson's and multisystem atrophy.

5. Preventing anemia According to the US National Institute of Health, the folic acid, iron, and phytochemical contents of beets increase the production of hemoglobin and thus facilitate the movement of oxygen into the bloodstream. Consumption of beets also prevents menstrual disorders and low blood counts.

Other health benefits include:

1. Reduces the risk of fetal neurological defects in the fetal stage of pregnancy.

2. Detoxification.

3. Anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Improves bone health.

You can consume beets as juice, boil them, grill them, or bake them. You can use them in a variety of ways that suit your taste. You should also not take it excessively and consult a doctor if any side effects occur.
