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Solutions to common digestive problems and how to manage them

 Solutions to common digestive problems and how to manage them

Solutions to common digestive problems and how to manage them

Do digestive problems prevent you from performing your daily routine, work, and pleasure? So let me tell you. You are not the only one who suffers from common digestive problems, there are many people like you. A busy lifestyle, family history, and inadequate sleep and diet may lead to common digestive problems. If you are looking for solutions to common digestion problems, this article is just for you.

Here we will talk about 7 common digestive disorders, their causes and treatment. These digestive problems can be controlled with medications, but in severe cases, they also require surgery.

1. Acid reflux (GERD)

Acid reflux occurs when the food pipe fails to hold food there. As a result, acids reflux back into your throat and mouth, leaving a sour taste in your mouth due to the presence of stomach acids. But if you are experiencing bothersome symptoms, such as chest pain, it is recommended to take a medication suitable for the abdomen. 

Symptoms of esophageal reflux

GERD is a common digestive problem in which a person can experience the following problems:

1. Pain in the upper stomach and chest area. The contents of your stomach return through the food pipe to your throat or mouth. Which may lead to the taste of the food you ate or stomach acid.

2. Vomiting.

3. Problems swallowing food.

4. Hoarseness and fullness in the back of the throat.

5. Persistent cough and bad breath.

2. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are similar to diarrhea and constipation. But in irritable bowel syndrome, a person faces problems such as bloating and gas that do not go away easily even after a bowel movement. Other possible symptoms of IBS usually include:

1. Stomach ache.

2. Weight loss and fever.

3. Nausea or constant feeling of vomiting.

4. Diarrhea.

5. Anemia due to low iron.

Home remedies for irritable bowel syndrome

If you experience mild symptoms, try to control them by managing stress and making changes to your diet and lifestyle. Try:

1. Avoid foods that contain a high percentage of gas: If you suffer from bloating or gas, you should avoid soft drinks, as well as foods that can cause gas.

2. Eat gluten-free meals to avoid irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Exercise regularly and get enough sleep.

4. Avoid consuming caffeine and drinks.

5. Eat foods rich in fiber and plenty of water.

6. Reduce stress by doing talk therapy, meditation, etc.

7. Take probiotics to improve the number of good bacteria in your body.

8. Take fiber supplements.

3. Constipation

During constipation, one has a bowel movement that is difficult or infrequent to pass. It can be caused by a low-fiber diet, dehydration, and low level of exercise. If you continue to delay the urge to have a bowel movement, you may also experience constipation.

Home remedies for constipation.

1. To treat constipation one can follow the medications given and change the lifestyle.

2. Try bowel training at regular intervals.

3. Stop taking certain medications or supplements that you feel cause constipation.[REF]

4. Use stool softeners and lubricants such as mineral oil.

5. Avoid consuming drinks that contain caffeine, as they can cause dehydration.

6. During a bowel movement, raise your knees. By placing your feet on the footrest, it will provide you relief from pain. Take time and relax your muscles.

7. However, always consult your doctor about laxatives that can help soften the stool. Do not use it excessively as it can increase its dependence on your body. Use steroids only in cases of severe constipation.

4. Peptic ulcer

A peptic ulcer, also called a stomach ulcer, usually causes an ulcer in the lining of the stomach. The main reason for this reason is an overdose of anti-inflammatory drugs. Older people due to weak immunity have greater chances of developing peptic ulcers. If someone smokes heavily, he or she can also face problems such as peptic ulcers. Consult your doctor or reduce the dose if some medications cause peptic ulcers.

Symptoms of peptic ulcer

Peptic ulcers can cause the patient to develop the following symptoms:

1. Bleeding from the stomach or abdominal area.

2. The presence of a hole in the stomach area or abdominal wall, which may lead to infections in the abdominal cavity.

3. Ulcer invasion into the stomach or a nearby area

4. An obstruction occurs in the abdominal area, which prevents food from passing from your stomach to the intestines.

Home remedies for peptic ulcers

One can follow specific measures to reduce the chances and effects of acid reflux:

1. Eat small bites and eat slowly, especially if you feel like your stomach is already full.

2. Try to avoid soft foods from your diet.

3. Do not drink soft drinks. Drink water and avoid sparkling water as well.

4. Make a difference between nap time and meals. Avoid eating late-night dinners, especially fast foods.

5. Avoid exercising, especially after eating, especially if it requires more bending.

6. Weight loss.

Medicines to treat peptic ulcers

If the above home remedies do not work, consult a doctor for medication. But most often the doctor advises.

1. Medications such as PPI and H2 blockers are mostly effective. However, if you have previously taken antibiotics, the disease germs may have developed resistance to the drugs. If the infection returns, see a doctor for medication.

2. Stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) if they cause peptic ulcers. Your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic or new treatment. If peptic ulcers are still present, your doctor may recommend surgery to treat ulcer problems.

5. Gastritis

Our stomach has a lining membrane that protects it from further damage caused by pathogens. If this membrane becomes inflamed it can cause stomach (stomach) ulcers also known as gastritis. It is mostly caused by certain types of germs or by overuse of anti-inflammatory pain relievers. There are two types of gastritis.

1. Acute gastritis often causes stomach and intestinal problems that last for a few days.

2. Chronic gastritis: It usually appears as soon as a stomach ulcer appears, which begins to cause noticeable problems. This gastritis can lead to serious problems, such as bleeding. Chronic gastritis can also cause anemia; In the worst cases, it can cause cancerous tumors.

Symptoms of gastritis

Symptoms of this common digestive problem are the following:

1. Severe stomach pain.

2. Feeling full and sometimes vomiting.

3. Burning feeling.

4. Lack of appetite.

5. Continuous display of such symptoms means the possibility of other diseases such as: diarrhea and irritation of the stomach or intestines.

Gastritis can be treated with specific diagnosis and treatment.

1. Diagnosis. First, the doctor will perform a five- to ten-minute examination using an instrument called a gastroscope. This tool will provide information about your food pipe and abdominal area or your chances of becoming infected with bacteria and changes in cells that can cause cancer.

2. The doctor may also order a special test, such as a breath test or stool test, to determine the chances of infection with H. pylori.

6. Diarrhea

During diarrhea, a person experiences loose, watery stools three or more times a day. Diarrhea can be considered into two categories:

1. Acute diarrhea: It lasts for a day or two and disappears on its own.

2. Chronic diarrhea: It lasts for more than 4 weeks, and the symptoms do not go away on their own and return quickly.

Symptoms of diarrhea

1. During diarrhea, a person can face problems such as dehydration as the body faces scarcity of fluids. The stool is softer than hard stool during bowel movements more than three times a day.

2. The lack of fluids in the body also leads to reduced absorption of nutrients from the food we eat. Chronic diarrhea may lead to malnutrition in a person.

3. In addition, infections, food allergies, digestive problems, and food intolerances can cause diarrhea.

How to treat diarrhea?

1. Probiotics : These are good bacteria that can help the digestive system. By stimulating good bacteria one can prevent disease infections. Although drinking plenty of water is important in treating and preventing dehydration, you should also drink fluids that contain good bacteria, such as:

2. Caffeine-free soft drinks.

3. Fruit juices.

4. Sports drinks.

5. If you are elderly or have a weak immune system, you should also drink oral rehydration solutions. Oral rehydration solutions are liquids that contain glucose, and can also be made at home.

7. Gallstones

Gallstones form in the gallbladder. They look like hard pebbles and are usually made of cholesterol. These gallstones, if large, block the bile ducts, which may lead to sudden pain in the upper right abdomen. These are called gallstones. However, depending on their size, if gallstones are small enough, they do not cause an obstruction and are painless, also known as “silent” gallstones. Most women who use birth control, the elderly, and those who consume high levels of cholesterol can experience complications similar to gallstones.

Symptoms of gallstones:

A person can face the following problems due to gallstones:

1. Inflammation and pain in the gallbladder.

2. Infection in the liver or bile duct. If left untreated, treatment for severe gallstones can include stone surgery. However, the chances of developing gallstones can be reduced by following a proper diet.

Non-surgical method to treat gallstones.

To treat this common digestive problem with non-surgical treatments, the following methods can be used:

1. If you have recently had weight-loss surgery, you are more likely to develop gallstones.

2. ERCP: It helps in removing gallstones stuck in the common bile duct.

3. Oral dissolution therapy: In this treatment, most of the medications containing bile acids are given to patients that can break up gallstones. However, this type of treatment takes months or years.

4. Lithotripsy: In this method, shock waves are used to break up gallstones into small pieces. However, doctors rarely recommend this method. If the above methods do not work, the doctor will have to return to surgery to remove the gallbladder.


The digestion process involves a variety of organs and systems, as well as a variety of chemicals and good muscle contractions that can easily move food to the next stage.

Anyone who sees changes in their normal digestive processes and experiences common digestive problems should seek medical attention. By following the above-mentioned treatment and lifestyle changes, you can overcome digestive problems. Some digestive problems may be chronic, but medications and surgery can help relieve their symptoms. Remember, you don't have to put up with their pain when their treatment is there.
