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Why do we get bloated despite following a healthy diet?

Why do we get bloated despite following a healthy diet?

Why do we get bloated despite following a healthy diet?

Bloating occurs when the stomach feels bloated after eating. Bloating can occur for a variety of reasons, including indigestion, constipation, trapped wind when eating, water retention during menstruation, and so on.

Bloating is a common health problem that both men and women suffer from. Some people have so adapted to it that they now view it as a part of their lives due to various treatments and dietary modifications, yet nothing seems to change despite efforts to treat this health problem, and even when it does, the changes are temporary. Here are some tips to help you with bloating.

Foods that relieve bloating

Cucumber water is probably a remedy you've heard of for bloating, but many other foods can help. Poor digestion, excessive sodium intake, or your menstrual cycle can all contribute to bloating. Buy lots of these anti-bloating foods to stop it

1. Cucumber water

According to the book "Healing Foods" by DK Publishing, cucumbers are a great vegetable for maintaining the water balance in the body. "Cucumbers are essential for heart and kidney health because they maintain water balance in the body. In addition, they have a modest diuretic effect and can help prevent constipation." Cucumbers are vegetables that contain a lot of water and can help the body maintain a healthy water balance as well as avoid water retention.

Potassium is abundant in cucumbers, which helps counteract the negative effects of sodium, which is known to stimulate bloating. Helps in the absorption of salt through urine. The antioxidants quercetin, caffeic acid (found in the skin), vitamin C, and silica in cucumbers have all been shown to reduce swelling. Daily use of cucumbers can also help you reduce puffiness, just as placing them around your eyes can help reduce puffiness.

Cucumber without the skin is often consumed by many of us. Because of their high antioxidant content, cucumber peels should also be consumed frequently rather than discarded after each use. You can eat some chopped fresh cucumber slices raw or immerse them in a glass of water and have them throughout the day. An invigorating way to avoid bloating is to eat chilled cucumber soup.

2. Beans and lentils

According to Grotto, most of the patients he treats with flatulence are consuming too much sodium and lacking potassium and fiber. He adds that reducing bloating will happen very immediately if salt intake is reduced and potassium intake is increased. Due to its high fiber content, lentils are an excellent choice for promoting healthy digestion. White beans, soybeans, and kidney beans are among the potassium-rich foods. These foods also have the highest fiber content of any vegetable. Beans are naturally high in protein and estrogen, Newgent says, and can help with menstrual bloating.

3. Yogurt

You should use yogurt instead of milk in your next smoothie because many people are lactose intolerant. According to Newgent, milk's lack of breaking down milk sugar can cause gas and bloating. On the other hand, yogurt has been pre-digested and contains milk sugar. Bloating symptoms can be alleviated by an active yogurt culture, Lactobacillus acidophilus. For the perfect bloating-reducing snack, mix in some watermelon or a banana.

4. Pineapple

Bromelain, a digestive enzyme found in pineapples, helps break down proteins that may lead to digestive issues, according to Harbstreet. Try juicing the pulp of the fruit and sipping it on its own or blending it with your favorite juice to take advantage of the bulking properties because the stem and pulp contain a higher concentration of enzyme than the outer bites.

5. Rosemary and turmeric

According to Jackie Newgent, RD, culinary nutritionist and chef, rosemary has been used to treat everything from heartburn and headaches to toothaches and high blood pressure. It also treats intestinal gases and helps digestion. She recommends trying it in tea or making your own culinary broth by adding it to celery or parsley.

According to Newgent, turmeric, which is prized in Asia for its ability to fight pain and inflammation, is essential for helping reduce upset stomachs and bloating. Use the vibrant yellow spice in a curry recipe or, for a punch or two, season another food on this list with turmeric.

6. Lemon water

Here's why the traditional remedy of drinking lemon water to reduce bloating is so effective. Many people neglect to drink water when they are bloated when they should be doing the exact opposite. According to David Grotto, RD, author of 101 Foods That Can Save Your Life, people frequently think they should reduce their water intake while they're conserving it. Your body retains water to ensure that you do not become dehydrated.

You should push fluids during a bloating problem rather than restrict them. Drinking warm water with lemon acts as a mild laxative and natural diuretic. Lemon water is good for relieving bloating and can help the body absorb less salt. Just be careful to avoid taking in more air by drinking straight from a glass rather than a straw.

7. Celery

Because celery contains compounds known to reduce fluid retention, it has long been used as a digestive aid to control intestinal gas and regulate bowel movements. According to Grotto, celery has a high water content and detoxification system that can help your body get rid of pollutants.

Cucumbers, summer squash, parsley, and any other type of leafy green are the best additional vegetable choices that will help reduce fluid retention. When it comes to eating vegetables in general, cooked vegetables are preferred over raw. Once cooked, the structure of the fiber is broken down, making it easier to digest. Despite the high water content of fresh vegetables, some people may experience increased bloating as a result.

8. Watermelon

Although all types of watermelon are good for you, watermelon is one of the juiciest fruits available and one of the best foods to help with bloating. Its 92 percent water content is likely to blame. It is a great source of potassium and a natural diuretic. When it comes to preventing bloating, he explains, the sodium-to-potassium ratio needs to be balanced.

For the ultimate belly emptying remedy, consider making your own spa water by combining lemon, cucumber, watermelon, and rosemary. (Warning: Drinking this may require more trips to the bathroom than usual.)

9. Gingerbread

If you do not have fresh ginger in your kitchen, you should think twice about stocking it. Fresh ginger is not only a great addition to tea and dinner recipes, but also a great remedy for bloating. According to Ashvini Mashru, RD, it helps with all digestive issues, including bloating, nausea, digestive issues, gas, and any of these.

Researchers claim that ginger is a carminative, which means that ginger helps expel gas from the stomach. According to Mashiro, bloating can be reduced with as little as 1/2 teaspoon of sliced ​​fresh ginger. You can reduce stomach bloating by boiling it with tea leaves, straining it and sipping it.

10. Bananas

The potassium in bananas balances the body's electrolyte levels and hydration levels, thus balancing the harmful effects of overly processed foods. According to Mashiro, potassium has the opposite effect of sodium because it causes our bodies to lose all of their water. To illustrate: In a study that appeared in the journal Anaerobe, 34 healthy women were instructed to eat a banana, a banana-flavored drink, or two glasses of water daily before a meal. Significantly more than the other two groups, the banana group had a 50% reduction in bloating.

11. Asparagus

One of the amino acids in asparagus is a natural diuretic, according to Cara Harbstreet, RD, of Street Smart Nutrition. Diuretics help you urinate more frequently, so you'll replace your bloating pain with urine that smells like asparagus, but you'll probably think it's worth it.

Since no specific amount of asparagus must be consumed to enjoy these benefits, start by including a serving of asparagus with each meal. For your next cookout, he recommends grilling or roasting asparagus alongside other vegetables in a skillet. Incorporate the spears into your salad or grain bowl after cutting them into 1-inch pieces.
