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Should you feel pain in your gums after flossing?

Should you feel pain in your gums after flossing?

Should you feel pain in your gums after flossing?

Although your gums can sometimes ache after flossing, the flossing process itself should not cause pain or swelling. If your gums are healthy and you are using correct oral hygiene techniques, you should not experience gum discomfort. That is unless you have flossed for a while, flossed too much, or applied too much pressure.

If your gums hurt after flossing and you're doing it right, it's usually a sign that something else is going on in your mouth. If your gums bleed, become sore and sore, or if you feel gum pain right after brushing your teeth, you may need to think about what is causing it and how to treat it before it becomes a very serious problem.

Why do gums become inflamed after flossing?

You may experience swollen, sore, or bleeding gums, especially after flossing, if you have an underlying medical condition that needs attention. Aside from not using proper oral hygiene brushing techniques, common causes of gingivitis are bacterial, viral, or fungal infections in the mouth.

Sometimes, the body tries to irrigate the food, plaque, and bacteria in the gums, which leads to inflammation, discomfort, and sometimes bleeding. It's normal to be concerned when you notice spotty bleeding at the gum line. But if your gums continue to ache after flossing, you may have reason to investigate the causes further.

The top 4 causes of swollen and inflamed gums

  1. Gingivitis: Swelling of the gums is usually caused by gingivitis. Leftovers and plaque that have lodged under the gum line can lead to gingivitis or infection. Gingivitis, or gum disease, can progress to periodontal disease, which is a more serious bacterial infection if not treated.
  2. Gingivitis during pregnancy: Hormone levels can change significantly during pregnancy. These modifications may make the gums more susceptible to swelling by increasing blood flow there. The body's defenses against the gingivitis-causing bacteria can also be weakened by changes in hormone levels, causing something doctors sometimes call "pregnancy gingivitis." Therefore, oral hygiene is of utmost importance during pregnancy.
  3. Viral and fungal infections: Swollen gums can be a symptom of viral and fungal infections that need to be treated with medication. A tooth abscess or other complications from an infected tooth may also cause swelling nearby. Brushing and flossing can exacerbate gum pain caused by infection, so be sure to approach brushing slowly.
  4. Brushing and flossing too hard: Your teeth and gums won't get cleaner with extra pressure; Instead, your gums will ache. Use gentle, circular brushing motions. Follow the curve of each tooth as you gently move the floss up and down each tooth. Follow the curve of each tooth as you gently move the floss up and down each tooth.

7 tips for relieving gum pain after flossing

If your gums hurt after flossing, follow these tips to give the area relief. And if problems persist or your gums continue to hurt after flossing , be sure to see your dentist.

1. Gently brush the teeth and gums

The "hammering" of floss into your gums is sure to cause some pain and discomfort. Gums need to be treated very gently. Therefore, hold the floss firmly with your thumb and forefingers, leaving about an inch of floss between them. Then move the floss between your teeth in a gentle rocking motion.

2. Use salt water to get rid of bacteria

Because salt has a drying effect on bacterial cells, it can kill a large number of bacteria in the mouth. Make a saltwater rinse by adding 1/2 teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. Spit the rinse out ten to twelve seconds after swishing it around your mouth. Make sure not to drink salty water as it can dehydrate you and is not healthy for you.

3. Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling

An ice pack or pack should be applied to the sore gum area outside the mouth, with a towel used as a skin barrier. By applying compresses, you can reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation, and numb the area. It should be used for 20 minutes each time, approximately three times a day.

4. Apply a warm compress to reduce pain

When your gums ache, the pain can be relieved by applying a warm compress to help increase blood flow to the area. Take a clean washcloth and dip it in hot, but not scalding, water, and wring it out to make a hot compress on your gums. Press the cloth to the area of ​​the cheek or lip that covers the painful part of the gum and reposition it as necessary.

5. Drink plenty of water to increase salivation

Saliva reduces bacteria production on the surface of your teeth. You're at risk of developing xerostomia, which promotes bacterial overgrowth if you don't produce enough saliva. The body produces enough saliva when you drink plenty of water, which helps keep your mouth moist and maintain a healthy environment for your teeth and gums.

6. Avoid tobacco 

If you smoke, you may increase your risk of developing infections in your mouth and gums. Gum infections are more likely to affect smokers than non-smokers. That's because smoking depletes your body's ability to fight infection, which weakens your immune system. 

7. Use mouthwash

If you experience gum pain after flossing, your oral health can be significantly improved by using mouthwash. Mouthwash can help fight cavities and prevent cavities, as well as fight plaque and gingivitis and freshen your breath. Fluoride mouthwashes can help remineralize your teeth.

Proper thread technique

To maintain proper oral health, it is essential to brush and floss your teeth daily. The right techniques can make brushing easy once you learn them. And if you clean between your teeth regularly, your gum pain should subside within a week or two.

To use the flosser correctly, gently move the floss back and forth between the teeth. Gently wrap the floss around the side of the tooth. Along the surface of the tooth and below the gum line, move the floss up and down. Don't forget to floss each tooth with a fresh piece of floss.

Final thoughts

Flossing itself shouldn't hurt your gums, unless you've flossed for a while, flossed a lot, or applied more pressure than is necessary. If your gums bleed, become inflamed and sore, or if you experience gum pain immediately afterwards, consider why and how to treat it.

If these treatments don't help, talk to your dentist about trying a medical treatment, such as mouthwash or antibiotics if an infection is present. The earlier we treat gum problems and change our oral hygiene routine, the sooner we can get back to a healthier, fresher, cleaner mouth. If gum disease progresses and we ignore the warning signs, it can cause more serious problems down the road.
