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Cancer patient diet and recommendations for nutritional supplements and proteins

 Cancer patient diet and recommendations for nutritional supplements and proteins

Cancer patient diet and recommendations for nutritional supplements and proteins 

diet in cancer 

Eat a lot of:

  • Citrus fruits and other fruits and vegetables are dark green or yellow for vitamin C, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, and phytochemicals that protect against cancer.
  • Bread and cereal made with whole grains and other foods rich in fiber to promote smooth colon function.
  • Seafood such as fish and prawns.
  • A high protein diet such as eggs.


  • Fatty foods, especially those high in saturated fats.
  • Soft drinks.
  • Salted, smoked, fermented and grilled foods.

Avoid these foods

Foods that may contain pesticides and environmental pollutants.

Recent research has changed our thinking about the role of diet in both cancer prevention and treatment. It is clear that some nutrients may prevent the development and spread of malignant tumors, while others slow or prevent tumor growth. Research indicates that about 35% of all cancers may be diet-related, especially those high in fat and processed foods, and many of these cancers can be prevented by dietary changes.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

A diet consisting of plenty of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of many deadly cancers. These foods are rich in bioflavonoids and other phytochemicals, dietary fiber, folate, the antioxidants beta-carotene, and vitamin C. These substances may slow, stop, or reverse the processes that lead to cancer. They do this through several protective mechanisms by detoxifying carcinogens (carcinogens) by stimulating the formation of protective enzymes, and by reducing hormonal action that can stimulate tumor growth. Folic acid is essential for normal DNA synthesis and repair and low levels are thought to make cells susceptible to carcinogenesis. Green: Regular exposure to sunlight is a carcinogen, so choose potatoes wisely.

Reduce your fat intake.

Studies link a high-fat diet with obesity to an increased risk of colon, uterine, prostate and skin cancers, and no more than 30% of total calories should come from fat. It often takes a few dietary changes to reduce fat intake, such as choosing lean cuts of meat, reducing all visible fat, eating vegetarian dishes several times a week, adapting low-fat cooking methods, such as baking and steaming, and limiting the use of added fats such as butter Ghee, mayonnaise and oils.

When a patient has cancer 

Cancer patients should receive good nutrition as an aid to recovery. Surgery, still the main treatment for cancer, also requires a high-value diet for recovery and recovery. Cancer itself can cause nutritional problems that require treatment along with the underlying disease.

Weight loss is common among most cancer patients. Most of them suffer from loss of appetite as a result of the cancer itself. Cancer treatment through radiotherapy and chemotherapy, suppresses appetite and leads to nausea as side effects. A dietitian can formulate a diet and recommend supplements to provide the calories, protein and other nutrients needed to maintain weight and promote recovery.

Consume a lot of fluids 

 Water, soup, other drinks such as tea, coffee, milk and milkshakes, chocolate drink, fresh fruit juices. This will keep the body hydrated and nourished.

Eat more fiber...

This will protect against cancer. It speeds up the transit of waste through the colon, which reduces the risk of bowel cancer. A diet rich in fiber and calories protects against obesity and the increased risk of cancer associated with increased body fat.

High-fiber diet.....whole bread and vegetables.....

  • Onions and garlic.
  • Apples, berries, vegetables and citrus fruits.
  • Tomatoes and their products.
  • green tea
  • Seafood, some meats, fish, bread, wheat bran, oats and brown rice.

Reduce your consumption of processed foods

Processed meat with its various derivatives is considered extremely dangerous, according to the World Health Organization. Sausages, salami, etc., are as dangerous as cigarettes. Smoking causes much more deaths, of course, but processed meat causes 34,000 deaths annually. For example, consuming 50 grams of sausage a day increases the risk of developing bowel cancer by 18 percent, according to the German "In Franken" website.

That's it for today. If you feel there is something useful, please share this with your loved ones, and don't forget to reveal your thoughts in the comment box. Or if you have any great ideas or any questions, don't forget to share them by commenting. Until then, be happy, keep smiling, keep asking questions, and please keep reading my articles. See you in the next article.
