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The kidneys are an important part of the health of the body because of their essential functions in maintaining health

The kidneys are an important part of the health of the body because of their essential functions in maintaining health

The kidneys are an important part of the health of the body because of their essential functions in maintaining health

The kidneys are part of the urinary system, located below the rib cage on either side of the spinal cord, and each kidney takes the form of a bean, estimated to be the size of a fist. The kidneys mainly filter blood from waste, chemicals, and excess water, leading to urine formation; the kidneys filter about half a cup of blood every minute, and the urine formed from the renal pelvis travels through two tubes known as ureters, to be stored in the bladder until it is excreted from the body.

II. How to find out the safety of the kidney

The kidneys are an important part of the body's health because of their essential functions in maintaining health. In addition to filtering blood from residues, the kidneys remove excess acids from the body's cells, maintaining a balance of water, salts, and minerals in the blood, thereby keeping the various organs, nerves, and muscles functioning. The kidneys also have an important role in the body's production of blood cells, controlling blood pressure, and maintaining bone health by secreting certain hormones necessary to achieve this.

III. Signs of kidney health

In fact, many people with kidney disease are unaware that they have it, because the symptoms and signs are usually delayed in appearing until after the condition deteriorates and reaches the final stages, and the following are some of the most important signs of good kidney health:

1. Feeling good energy for the body:

Disruption of kidney function usually leads to the accumulation of toxins in the blood, which leads to the person feeling constantly tired and suffering from a lack of concentration.

2. Continuation of normal sleep pattern:

The presence of toxins in the blood usually leads to disturbances in the sleep of the sufferer, and studies have shown that people with chronic kidney disease are more likely to develop obstructive sleep apnea.

3. Moisturize and not dry skin:

The imbalance in the proportions of nutrients and minerals in the body caused by kidney disease, may lead to dry skin and itching.

4. Persistence of the natural need to urinate:

When any damage occurs to the parts of the kidney responsible for filtering blood or a person has a urinary tract infection, the person may feel an increase in the need to urinate, especially at nighttime.

5. Maintain the normal appearance and shape of urine:

Kidney disease usually leads to a disturbance in its ability to filter blood from blood cells, resulting in these cells leaking into the urine, and thus the appearance of blood in the urine. Kidney disease may also lead to the presence of protein in the urine, which appears as foam in the urine.

6.Lack of puffiness around the eyes:

The accumulation of protein in the urine caused by an imbalance in the ability of the kidneys to filter the blood, may lead to the appearance of puffiness around the eyes.

7. Survival of the normal appearance of the feet and ankles:

This is because kidney dysfunction may lead to sodium and fluid retention in the body, and thus bloating in the lower extremities of the body.

8. Continuation of natural appetite:

The accumulation of toxins in the blood caused by malfunctioning of the kidneys can lead to the loss of the affected person's normal appetite.

9. Muscle Safety:

The imbalance in the work of the kidneys may lead to an imbalance in the balance of some electrolytes in the body, such as the appearance of spasms in the muscles of the injured person as a result of the lack of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

IV. Kidney function tests

The only way to determine the health of the kidneys with certainty is by performing laboratory tests that usually aim to assess the ability of the kidneys to filter blood in what is medically known as the glomerular filtration rate.

These tests are performed through 24-hour urine sampling, as well as a blood sample, and the following are some of the most important laboratory kidney function tests

Urinalysis: This test is usually performed with the aim of determining the presence of protein or blood in the urine, and can be used to determine the rate at which a substance of the body's residues is filtered through urine called creatinine through 24-hour urine sampling.

Blood urea nitrogen test: Urea nitrogen is a substance resulting from the body's analysis of the food protein eaten. An increase in urea nitrogen means a decrease in the ability of the kidneys to carry out their functions.The result is normal if it is between 7-20 mg/dL.

Creatinine in the blood: Since the kidneys usually filter the blood almost completely from creatine, this test is used to determine its accumulation in the blood, and the result is normal if it is less than 1.2 mg/dL in women, and less than 1.4 mg/dL in men.

Glomerular filtration rate: The estimate of glomerular filtration rate depends on the above laboratory tests, in addition to some other factors specific to the individual, such as age, gender, weight and race. The result may indicate a disturbance in kidney function if it is less than 60 ml/min/1.73 m³.

V. Maintaining kidney health

Here are some of the most important tips that may help maintain kidney health and prevent its disease:

Drinking fluids: Fluids help keep your kidneys healthy and urine from filtering blood; changing the color of urine to dark usually indicates that people are dehydrated. It is also recommended to increase the amount of water when staying in hot places, if the weather is hot, and when exercising strenuously.

Eating healthy foods: that is, following a healthy integrated diet to provide the body with all the minerals and vitamins it needs, and healthy eating helps to control the level of sugar and blood pressure, as high blood pressure and diabetes can lead to dysfunction of kidney function. Some of the foods that people are usually advised to eat include vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and in general, it is preferable to avoid fatty and salty foods.

Exercise: Because exercise is useful in preventing obesity and high blood pressure, it is usually recommended to avoid overdoing it, so as not to strain the kidneys.

Avoid smoking: In addition to the role of smoking in high blood pressure, it can also lead to damage to blood vessels and, consequently, to a lack of blood nutrition to the kidneys. Periodic check-ups: If a person is more likely to develop kidney disease, such as those with high blood pressure and diabetes, regular check-ups of kidney function are recommended.
