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7 daily habits to promote mental and psychological health in easy and simple ways

7 daily habits to promote mental and psychological health in easy and simple ways

7 daily habits to promote mental and psychological health in easy and simple ways

Mental health is one of the most discussed aspects of health.  You may have heard about  mental health on TV or online. If you have no idea what "mental health" means, today we've got you covered and we'll define mental health and tell you how to improve it.  

What is mental health?

Mental health can be defined as the function of your brain and everything that affects it.  Many things affect mental health and some of them are uncontrollable, such as genetics, life experiences, and family history.

Reasons for mental health care

  • to improve your mood.
  • to reduce anxiety.
  • Being able to think clearly.
  • For deeper relationships.
  • To improve confidence and self-esteem.
  • Improving your mental health can help you manage health conditions exacerbated by stress, such as heart disease.
  • Your mental health is very important, which is why you need to have the power to influence it.

You need to get enough sleep

Sleep is indispensable to physical health, but it does not end there;  It's also important for your mental health.  According to the researchers, people who sleep 6 hours or less per day are more likely to report psychological stress than those who sleep more than 6 hours per day.

Here are some habits that you must follow to get a good sleep:

  • Do not drink caffeine after 3 pm.
  • On a daily basis, try to get up and go to bed at the same time.
  • Always make sure your bedroom is quiet, comfortable and tidy.
  • The temperature in your bedroom should be somewhere around 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 degrees Celsius).

You have to limit your time on social media

When you gather information about people, it makes you start comparing yourself to them, which gives you low self-esteem and some other feelings like depression and anxiety.

How to limit your time on social media

  • You can keep your phone in a closet or outside your bedroom when you are sleeping.
  • You can do more important activities that replace your scrolling sessions.
  • You can also mute notifications or delete social networking apps from your phone.

You have to build your relationships

As human beings, we communicate, and thus build strong relationships, which in turn can positively impact your mental health.

The importance of friendships

  • Do not give way to loneliness.
  • Friendship makes it easier to get emotional support.
  • It gives meaning to your life.

Here are some ways to build good relationships and grow your friendships:

  • Stay connected by checking in regularly, even with just a quick text or a funny meme.
  • Watch someone eat breakfast in the morning or have breakfast.
  • During lunch break, call people for a quick chat.
  • You can plan biweekly or monthly dinner dates.

You have to move your body for your own reasons

  • Even exercise provides mental health benefits such as:
  • stress relievers;
  • Mood lifts.
  • It makes it easier for you to fall asleep faster and sleep longer.
  • It helps you manage symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Moving the body can mean different things to different people, and going to the gym is not required unless you have a real motivation to do so.  But it's best to do some movements that you enjoy with physical activities that affect you best in terms of your body, health, and preferences.

Here are some fun moves you can do:

  • Join a running or walking club.
  • You can also take less intense yoga classes.
  • You can try sitting exercises.
  • You can also take hourly breaks.
  • You can try gardening or do other work in your back garden.
  • You can also go for a weekend walk with your family or take a walk along the beach.

Eat highly nutritious foods

They are foods that positively affect your mental health.  The best way to improve your mental health is to expand your current diet to include foods full of mood-boosting nutrients, such as berries, bananas, beans, whole grains, and fatty fish like salmon.

Eating can also provide energy to your body on a daily basis.  Eating anything is better than not eating anything.  Foods such as alcohol, caffeine, refined carbohydrates, and added sugars may exacerbate anxiety symptoms.  So reducing your intake of these foods can help reduce some of your symptoms.

Don't try too hard

Some days are very difficult.  It can be difficult to do what I mentioned earlier, which can make you feel bad.  At times like these, I encourage you to turn to compassionate and accessible strategies, such as:
  • You can make a toiletries kit when you can't take a shower.  You can try wet shampoos and body washes. 
  • You can decide to clean something for a limited time only.
  • You order fast food when you cook anything that seems too difficult.
  • And you can even try to take one small step each day.

Choose rest time

Rest, just like movement, varies from person to person, but it generally means giving your mind and body the opportunity to relax and recover.
