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What are mental health and mental health and mental health wellness and what are mental needs?

What are mental health and mental health and mental health wellness and what are mental needs?

What are mental health and mental health and mental health wellness and what are mental needs?

Mental and psychological health means how healthy your mind and thoughts are. Mental health affects the way you think and feel. Learn what mental health or mental health is, mental health wellness, and what mental needs are.

Understanding mental health will help you know what to do if you or someone you know has mental health needs. It is important to know the mental health needs of the people around you. 

Some Americans feel that mental health is part of overall health, and they are looking for ways to improve it. Don't be shy to talk about it. As with physical ailments, many mental needs are not serious. Like physical illness, some mental needs may become serious. It can cause terrible suffering.

Mental health is able to function and participate in daily activities that lead to:

  • Productive daily activities such as going to work, school, or caring for others.
  • Healthy relationships with your family and friends.
  • Ability to adapt to change and deal with difficult situations.

Mental health is a state of well-being. you may:

  • Get to know your capabilities.
  • Dealing with the stresses of normal life.
  • Work productively.
  • Work productively.

The wellness of people's mental health can be determined by factors including social, economic, biological and environmental. 

Mental health is fundamental to our collective and individual ability as human beings to:

1. Thinking.

2. Show feelings.

3. Interact with others.

4- Learn strength.

5- Enjoy life.

The importance of mental health

Mental health has many benefits, whether for the individual himself or for society in general, as it works to spread happiness, reach the stability of individuals and achieve interdependence between them. Mental health is the only way to find an optimal solution to all social problems that have an important role in human psychological development. The importance of mental health can be illustrated by the following points: 

  • Eliminate turmoil and tension.
  • As well as a sense of security and inner peace, which leads to a sense of psychological stability, which leads to the strengthening of confidence. Very much on self.

 Mental health is the main responsible for raising mentally healthy generations. Parents who maintain their mental health and take care of it will raise children who enjoy psychological stability. Families whose members are psychologically normal represent an important factor in the cohesion and strength of societies. Mental health controls and directs an individual's behavior. A psychologically healthy person will not leave himself to his psychological feelings, but, on the contrary, will control his emotions, and this will be the result of his great ability to perceive his inner self and others around him. 

Mental health is the first guide for an individual when feeling the pressures of life, as it does not leave him to his feelings, but on the contrary provides him with positivity through which he can solve problems well and take responsibility. Mental health is manifested in the balanced behavior of the individual, which makes him famous among others and also allows him to gain the confidence and sense of security of others.

 Mental health is the first driver that raises the productivity of society. A society whose members are in good mental health will have the capacity to take responsibility well. They will also use their skills very efficiently, which helps increase productivity.

Reasons for deteriorating mental state:

There are many influences on an individual's mental health, including social relationships and human interactions that affect the psyche, and the environment around an individual has a strong role in their mental health. The World Health Organization announced that there are many factors and causes that lead to the deterioration of the mental health of individuals, including:

  • Physical diseases, especially heart diseases. Unhealthy habits. depression. Take medicines. Certain types of medications have negative mental health side effects.
  • Poverty and low level of individual or family income. Wars and famines lead to feelings of insecurity and despair. Infringement of women's rights.
  • The prevalence of domestic violence leads to the birth of a psychologically unstable child. And many other countless reasons that lead to the emergence of psychological deviations.

How to identify mentally healthy individuals?

There are many external indicators of a person that can indicate a person's psychological health and appear through his personal behavior or social relationships and interaction with others and can be evaluated as follows:

1- Balance and control of emotions:

The individual is constantly exposed to external influences. His mental health depends on his ability to balance and how to control emotions when exposed to such influences. How to deal with life pressures and his way of solving the various problems he faces. How to express his inner feelings and emotions frankly and maturely.

2- Defensive:

Defensiveness is an inner feeling that cannot be touched, but is represented and manifested in the pursuit of man and making the necessary effort to exploit his abilities and achieve his goals.

3- Feeling happy:

 One of the most important aspects of human mental health, so that a happy person is not only psychologically. A feeling of inner security and psychological peace is the way to human happiness.

4- Psychological compatibility can be assessed through self-confidence:

 Self-acceptance, self-acceptance is the identification and evaluation of inner capabilities. Psychological adaptation depends on how to reach psychological gratification by exploiting and adapting to the surrounding environmental factors.

How do you strengthen mental health?

Mental health, like physical health, must be promoted, and disease exposure prevented. On the contrary, mental health has the most important role, as deteriorating mental health may cause physical illnesses that doctors may not be able to treat.

 The following points can be followed to strengthen the mental health of the individual:

  •  Satisfying the body with its biological needs of eating and drinking and getting enough rest. 
  • Food quality has a significant impact on human mental health. 
  • Also, the person not getting the necessary number of hours of rest may lead to a feeling of permanent stress and depression. 
  • Feeling positive about the inner capabilities of the self through self-esteem and drawing a positive image of it and strengthening that image in all situations.
  •  You should always keep yourself calm and avoid stress, especially when facing situations or stresses in life. 
  • Outward appearance has a great ability to enhance self-confidence and attention to personal hygiene enhances the confidence of others. 
  • An individual should have a definite general goal in life which is divided into short term goals and long term goals so that he can maintain his constant pursuit and activity. 
  • It is necessary to avoid all manifestations of domestic violence, especially for children and adolescents, because they represent the future generation in society, and they must be brought up properly. Domestic violence, especially for children and adolescents, because they represent the future generation in society, and must be brought up properly. 
