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What are the causes of migraine headaches and how to recognize it?

What are the causes of migraine headaches and how to recognize it?

What are the causes of migraine headaches and how to recognize it? 

Those who have never had a headache cannot comprehend the absolute torture inflicted on those who suffer from migraine attacks. There are many repercussions added to the suffering!

Migraine is a disease. They are greatly underestimated for the simple reason that the pain they cause cannot be seen and is - for the most part - considered minor while it can generate intense and endless suffering. Many people suffer from migraines on a regular basis.

Modern medicine does not understand the cause of migraines!

Migraines remain a mystery to science and medicine. Scientists always feel embarrassed when asked to explain the real reasons. Modern medicine is not able to explain the cause of this painful headache, is it a complete disease? Just a symptom among many others? Does migraine have a psychological component or cause? Is it hereditary?

These and many other questions cannot be answered from a scientific or medical perspective. When someone has a migraine, pharmacists or doctors are quick to advise or prescribe analgesics (painkillers).

Ambiguous definition of an unknown condition:

The difficulty of understanding migraine can usually be found in scientific dictionaries, which find it difficult to define what a migraine is.

Migraines are generally defined as forms of headache (?) (this definition is strangely vague) that can manifest through periodic attacks.

In fact, not only is having a migraine very hard trying, migraines usually return — sometimes very regularly — despite medications containing paracetamol or medications that use other chemicals.

Migraines are not just symptoms!

The best evidence that migraines are not just a symptom, or in other words, a consequence of any other disorder, lies precisely in the fact that current medications are incapable of overcoming it! In fact, if migraine is a disease, then those who suffer from it should get rid of it by taking medications.

However, as noted above, migraines usually manifest with attacks, which means that they return - usually periodically - and torment the people who suffer from them. Most of the time, it comes on suddenly, within a few minutes.

Ineffective drug:

Several studies have long shown that chemicals like paracetamol are very helpful for pain relief. So, if paracetamol is used as a migraine reliever when you have one and if your migraine-related pain later, that means there are reasons behind the migraine outbreak and the prescribed chemotherapy didn't treat the exact cause!

Therefore, if a treatment based on aspirin, paracetamol, or something else does not completely eliminate the symptoms of a migraine but simply relieves the pain for a moment, it means that it is either ineffective or that the migraines are not diseases but the result of another disorder that did not. Neutralization of chemicals.

Inside the head of a person suffering from migraines!

This is where no one wants to be!

However, take a few minutes to visualize - unless you've already experienced a painful migraine once or a few times -... all of a sudden, the veins in your temples start to beat more quickly, causing more and more aching sensations in your head!

The pain quickly spreads to the entire brain, making you feel as if a binding tightens your head a little more as time goes on as you wait and wait before taking your treatment, whatever it may be. In more serious cases, when your migraine lasts longer, you may also have trouble concentrating, break into tears because of the pain you are feeling and even under the impression that you are the victim of real mental torture turning your head upside down!

Sometimes it can get worse when you stop doing anything to comfort or take care of the pain because when you rest, you focus more on the pain that is constantly knocking in your head and seems to be getting more and more intense!

The pain begins to swell and you look forward to the moment when it finally goes away. Even after taking medications, you sometimes have to wait for hours before the migraine reliever you were hoping for appears!

Plus, as I mentioned earlier, it's not because the prescribed anti-migraine treatment was effective once it would prevent you from suffering from other migraines in the medium or long term. This disorder is not yet known. This is the paradox associated with migraine: migraine is a minor disease compared to other conditions reputed to be more serious, but the fact remains that it can have serious consequences. In fact, in addition to the unbearable pain that a migraine can cause, it can also have severe repercussions.

Thus, researchers recently claimed that cascading migraines can cause brain damage over time and have an effect on the psychological balance of those who suffer from it! Such cases are of course the worst. Some people who suffer from migraines, but not to the previously mentioned extent, may be affected by nausea, vomiting, or suffer from sensitivity to light, or in other words find it difficult to tolerate artificial light or even daylight! In some cases - such as migraine with aura - it can be preceded by altered perceptions such as visual or auditory delusions!

Nobody is safe!

Moreover, if some types of migraines are hereditary - which some scholars claim is so - then no one is safe. Anyone can one day suffer from this terrible headache and sometimes on several occasions during the same day or during their life!

Despite the numerous studies conducted over decades, there has not been much progress in this topic, even if the various studies have allowed scientists to better understand how migraines manifest themselves. The latest research points to poor blood flow in the brain and other genetic factors, but this has not enabled them to learn more about the exact causes of migraines!

The most comprehensive studies have studied migraines with state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (RMI) imaging. Admittedly, they made it possible to look further into the process that underlies the etiology, development and consequences of migraines but did not help find their exact origin.

Obstacle to the transmission of information!

MRI has shown that people who suffer from migraines regularly are often victims of irreversible damage to the brain's white matter.

This is the name given to the nervous tissue that carries information between the two hemispheres of the brain where intellectual processes occur - all this takes place in the gray matter. White matter is made up of long "cables," or axons, that connect the nerve cells of matter, also called gray matter, to each other.

Thus, a study conducted by doctors in Copenhagen, Denmark, and published in the journal Neurology in 2013, showed that people who suffer from migraines develop lesions in the white matter. The serious consequences of this damage lead to a slowdown or impossibility of transmitting information between the different parts or hemispheres of the brain!

Loss of brain size and intelligence

However, according to the same study, it appears that not only is the transmission of information affected by frequent migraines but it is also said that brain volume has changed due to this disease, resulting in intellectual reduced abilities.

Studies of migraines and their effects have enabled scientists to highlight the unknown role that white matter plays, which has long been ignored! The axons, the long "communication cables" that connect the two different hemispheres (some of which can also be found in the spinal cord), are necessary for the proper functioning of the cerebral, right and left hemispheres.

Also, if these hubs are damaged by pests, this would prevent the information from circulating freely or quickly. The affected person loses his brain abilities and the ability to think or sort information quickly. This leads to a loss of independence and the ability to learn, but also a lack of control over mental abilities which leads to...a loss of intelligence!

 Pay close attention to the "tags" below.

If you have experienced or have experienced the following symptoms, it is very likely that - without your knowledge - you are suffering from a migraine! You're likely to get a migraine in the coming months or even weeks!

  • If your head hurts, no matter what pain you are feeling, and if the pain increases when there is noise around you or when you are in a brightly lit environment - especially with artificial light ...
  • If you regularly feel severe pain on one side of your brain 
  • If you regularly feel severe pain on one side of your brain 

In these three cases, you may get a migraine without even realizing it! In fact, these three main signs are not always associated with migraines but the fact remains that they are warning signs that you may be prone to it. Pay attention to these signs and spot them when they occur.

Preventing and reducing the causes of migraine headaches:

Migraines are very annoying and very common, and they are disorders that no one protects because modern science is so difficult to understand and treat. However, many studies have shown that certain factors can aggravate or prolong the pain and risks associated with migraines!

Therefore, in order to reduce and counteract sudden stimuli or the continuation of regular attacks

  •   It is recommended that you try to avoid extreme fatigue and exhaustion, stay away from stress and get enough sleep until you feel rested.
  • Likewise, food plays an important role in preventing and reducing the risk of acute migraines.
  •  Therefore, it is advised to avoid eating or drinking a lot. Drinks and foods that contain a lot of sugar top the rankings, such as chocolate and cake, which should be avoided.
  • Here's another tip: in general, to avoid migraines, a balanced and varied diet is preferred.

However, while these precautions are important, and although they are best taken literally, their effect on migraine triggers may vary depending on each individual's personality, health, and physical condition.

In fact, even following these tips has never guaranteed anyone that a migraine won't come on all of a sudden. Nor does it shelter anyone from the regular return of migraines! As a result, to avoid or get rid of this disease, it is better to anticipate the on of a migraine rather than having to treat it because it can strike anyone at any time!
