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Weight gain in postmenopausal women and estrogen

Weight gain in postmenopausal women and estrogen


Weight gain in postmenopausal women and estrogen

Simply put, menopause is a very normal aspect. It is not a disease, but we may think of it as a "disease" because of the problems that can occur during this stage of life. The average age at menopause is 51 years. At this point, the ovaries no longer produce estrogen. 

This estrogen deficiency comes with a laundry list of changes for most women. Not many women escape this stage of life unharmed in terms of symptoms.

 The symptoms that appeared are due in large part to this decrease in the estrogen hormone in the body. This in estrogen can affect women both decrease and mentally. Common problems include postmenopausal weight gain, brain fog, depression, and sleep difficulties.

Postmenopausal weight gain and estrogen:

Estrogen is an energy-packed hormone. As our production declines with age, there is a physiological effect on our bodies and brains. You definitely can't imagine feeling differently! As estrogen levels drop as menopause approaches, several factors occur that affect our weight and appearance.

  • Our fat distribution changes. More fat is now settling where your waistline used to be!
  • There is a loss of muscle mass. This is known as sarcopenia. This occurs with age in both women and men.
  • And if that's not enough, lower estrogen levels actually push us to eat more. And since our energy needs decrease with age, this helps with weight gain. We really need less fuel or calories, but we want more!
  • Low estrogen levels can also contribute to depression, so if you eat emotionally and eat in response to sadness, this further complicates weight management.

Treat weight gain after menopause with these simple tips:

It's important to keep in mind that you can change how you feel in menopause in a number of ways. Since weight-related issues often prevail as an area of ​​concern in menopause, here are some easy and practical steps to help manage those weight-related issues. It's easier than you think!

1. Move your body as much as you can:

If you need to talk to yourself about this, so be it. Be grateful that you can move your body. Even if you only walk a few blocks outside or make an intentional movement inside your home, it will help balance your energy. If you're walking outside, you'll also be making vitamin D, which can affect your mood as well. 

If you can add another exercise to your walking workout , do stretching , yoga, hula hops , and even YouTube videos while you work out. And resistance exercise is key as we age. And carry some weights.

 Then find an activity that moves your body that you actually enjoy. I enjoy gardening and am always amazed at how "working" it is and how powerful it is. It all counts until it's called an exercise. Doing activities that you enjoy will make that activity less of a chore. This will help balance energy to slim your waist and preserve your lean muscle mass.

2. Consider disavowing the concept of willpower:

 In the concept of willpower. To me, willpower seems strange and exhausting. I feel that it is best to control the environment around you to help you eat the right food for you. If you prepare your meals at home with healthy options, you will make healthy food choices. In contrast, if you are a lover of sweets and constantly have chocolate candies in your closet. 

It is easy to eat them constantly. Consider making it difficult to access those more tempting foods. Do not bring them into your home dining environment. Instead, enjoy the occasional rewards that you need to find with some difficulty (like going on your own to the grocery store)!

3. Boost the quality of your diet to fight postmenopausal weight gain:

This is critical on many levels. When women enter menopause, they are more likely to develop diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. It is never too late to improve your diet to prevent or reduce the possibility of these diseases that will affect your quality of life. 

The good news is that you don't need a degree in nutrition to quickly improve the quality of your diet! Try adding more plant foods to your diet. Colorful foods made from plants will give you fiber and antioxidants.

 It is believed that aging and diseases are caused by oxidation in our bodies. Colored foods such as fruits and vegetables can combat this oxidation. These colorful foods also protect your eyes as you age.

And don't forget some good calcium-derived foods (rather than just supplements)! Our calcium requirements are at their highest point in adulthood from age 51 and beyond. At this age, we need 1,200 mg of calcium (a source of calcium).

4 . Do not exceed your specified meals:

As you improve the quality of your diet, keep in mind how often you eat. Many older adults tend to eat only two larger meals and perhaps one or two snacks for a full 24-hour cycle. 

In some women, there is an increase in insulin resistance and it is useful to control the amount of food at a given meal. By spreading your fuel for the day over multiple meals, you can help counter this situation to help stabilize your blood sugar levels.

5 . Sleep as a tool to combat weight gain after menopause:

Let's face it, the world seems a lot less difficult after a good night's rest. A doctor once told me that difficulty sleeping was the most common complaint of middle-aged women. A lack of refreshing sleep often hampers our ability to manage our weight in menopause. 

We may feel weak, and respond with more mindless eating. In my case, a bad night's sleep also makes me sit more! So, while it's not always easy to get a good night's sleep, 

Here are some tips you can try:

  • Sleep hygiene. As you know, turn off screens with blue light before trying to sleep. Think of a good book instead!
  • Some research suggests that all that blue light causes our bodies to reduce melatonin production. Melatonin is the hormone that helps our bodies transition into sleep mode. As we age, we also produce less melatonin, so blue lights and aging are a double whammy.
  • Consider taking extra 5mg of melatonin and then avoiding blue light screens (phones, computers, iPads) a few hours before you want to relax mentally. And try this distraction out with a good fantasy book.

6. Be kind to yourself.

As you transition into menopause, it is important to be gentle with yourself about your weight. If you can implement self-care techniques, they can help increase your weight and mental health. But, don't feel like you need to do it alone either. 

Your gynecologist may consider medical intervention and a therapist or dietitian may be able to help as well. You are not alone at this point in life, and there is plenty of support available.

7. Stay away from fast food:

Menopause is a stage in our lives and should be viewed as such. The most important recommendation I can make for controlling your weight at this point in your life is to eat and be physically active in order to manage your health. 

By choosing a diet that is colourful, rich in rich in and full of fiber, you are taking nutrients steps to manage your weight and health. Don't prepare yourself to eat a poor diet because you have unhealthy foods in your house.

 Always know how to have healthy foods in your kitchen so that your food choices are easily available to you on a daily basis. Try not to miss meals. And regulate your sleep.

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