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Secrets of a Natural Healthy Diet Targeted to Life Expectancy

Secrets of a Natural Healthy Diet Targeted to Life Expectancy

 Secrets of a Natural Healthy Diet Targeted to Life Expectancy 

 Millions of people all over the world are beginning to realize that diet and life expectancy are related to some degree, that is, if one desires to live a long healthy productive life.

Turmeric is one of Japan's most favorite healthy foods and is known as a "superfood".

Okinawa, a birthplace in Japan, is considered a place of longevity, and the people of Okinawa are said to attribute their longevity to the consumption of turmeric.

The long-term benefits of a plant-based diet

Turmeric contains: 3% to 5% curcumin.

Curcumin is a natural and powerful antioxidant that contains:

  • Antioxidants.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antivirus.
  • Protects from the effects of protecting the liver and kidneys.

In addition, curcumin can also:

  • Low blood fats.
  • Low blood sugar.
  • Reduction of Blood pressure.
  • antitumor;
  • Anti-ulcer.

Consumption of turmeric is very beneficial for the health of internal organs such as:

  • liver;
  • the kidneys;
  • the heart. 
  • and stomach

It is recommended to take 3 grams to 5 grams of turmeric powder (1 tablespoon) per day.

Okinawa Diet:

Benefits of the Okinawa Diet:

The diet is based on the Okinawa lifestyle and is:

  • It gives density to nutrients.
  • Vegetables rich in fiber.
  • Lean protein sources.
  • The diet is balanced.
  • Reduce saturated fat.
  • A little sugar.
  • Few processed foods.

Their diet encourages a longer life span

The Japanese have some of the highest life expectancy in the world.

  • The first is that they take in small amounts of their food and don't consume large amounts of sugar, fats, and trans fats.
  • They know nothing about drinking liter cups of sugary soda.
  • They also tend to eat less red meat.
  • They tend to eat more fresh vegetables and fewer processed foods.
  • And genetics - something gives them a small advantage in life expectancy.

Just like the Japanese, the Spaniards celebrate a long life because of their diet.

The Spaniards generally produce most of their own vegetables and fruits, which makes them affordable due to their low purchase costs, and they are available all year round.

At its core, the average Spanish diet is based on:

  • Vegetables.
  • legumes;
  • grains.
  • fish.
  • olive oil.
  • Nuts.
  • Seeds.

The Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition says that one of the main advantages of the Mediterranean diet is that it helps prevent diseases such as:

  • obesity;
  • diabetic.
  • Cardiovascular problems.

The best diet for a healthy life:

Spaniards focus on healthy fats and proteins, and these vitamins are good for the heart, making Spain one of the countries least prone to heart disease.

Mediterranean diet:

  • berries;
  • Greek yogurt. ...
  • Extra virgin olive oil. ...
  • Nuts. ...
  • Whole grains like quinoa. ...
  • Leafy vegetables. ...
  • Beans are like chickpeas. ...
  • eggplant;

The most beneficial food for liver health is berries, which are berries with a high nutritional value.

The liver is one of the most important internal organs of the human body, and its biggest function is to help the body get rid of toxins.

Berries are rich in:

  • protein.
  • carbohydrates.
  • Betaine.
  • carotene;
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B.
  • Vitamin C.

and minerals such as:

  • Calcium.
  • germanium;
  • Iron.
  • phosphorous;

Berries contain a lot of betaine. Pharmacological trials show that betaine can prevent fat deposition in the liver, repair damaged liver cells, and promote liver cell regeneration. Regular consumption of wolfberry is a simple and effective way to maintain a healthy liver.

In addition, comfrey contains natural organic germanium, which has good anti-cancer and anti-aging effects.

Eating eggplant with its skin is more beneficial for health:

 The nutritional value of the eggplant skin is much higher than that of the eggplant. The skin of the eggplant contains a lot of vitamin B. Effectively reduces vitamin B; And blood fats and cholesterol and increases the flexibility and stiffness of capillaries, which are very beneficial for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

The skin of the eggplant contains anthocyanins, flavonoids, and vitamin C.

These substances are natural antioxidants that can:

  • Remove harmful free radicals.
  • Cell protection.
  • And delay the aging process of cells.

In addition, the peel of the eggplant is rich in dietary fiber that can:

  • Promote metabolism.
  • Eliminate toxins and litter.

Proven benefits of an olive oil diet

  • They are low in calories but rich in good fats. Olives contain monounsaturated fatty acid - oleic acid, which helps manage cholesterol levels. The presence of MUFA makes it good for heart health as it reduces levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and boosts levels of good cholesterol (HDL).
  • Olives contain polyphenols, a natural chemical that reduces oxidative stress in the brain. By eating a daily serving of healthy olives, you can help improve our memory.
  • Eating healthy olives helps the skin to stay soft and healthy because it contains oleic acid.
  • Olive oil contains oleocanthal, a substance containing anti-inflammatory agents that can act as natural ibuprofen.
  • It is rich in an antioxidant called oleanolic acid that prevents liver damage, regulates body fat levels and reduces inflammation.
  • Consuming olives daily also reduces the risk of cancer and promotes bone health.

Why is olive oil so healthy:

  • It is famous for promoting a person's cardiovascular health benefits.
  • It is rich in monounsaturated fats and helps a person in a healthy way to lose weight.
  • It helps one to prevent different types of cancers.
  • It works just as well as natural ibuprofen and helps relieve pain.
  • A natural remedy for healthy hair and skin.
  • It works well to promote good digestive health of humans.
  • Good source of iron.
  • Promotes eye health and improves vision.
  • Increases the level of glutathione in the blood.

Research suggests that spinach leaves may lower blood pressure and benefit heart health.

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable and a source of: calcium, vitamins, iron and antioxidants. Due to its iron and calcium content, spinach is a great addition to any meat- or dairy-free diet. One cup of raw spinach is made mostly of water and contains only 7 calories. It also provides the following nutrients:

  • The complete daily requirement of an adult of vitamin K.
  • High amounts of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • magnesium.
  • Folic acid.
  • iron.
  • Calcium
  • .Anti-oxidant.
  • Vitamin K is essential for a healthy body, especially for strong bones. It improves how well the body absorbs calcium.
  • Spinach also provides a good amount of iron for energy and blood health, and a good level of magnesium for muscle and nerve function.
  • A healthy diet is the way to longevity
