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How to stop wisdom tooth pain naturally so you can get to the dentist

How to stop wisdom tooth pain naturally so you can get to the dentist

How to stop wisdom tooth pain naturally so you can get to the dentist 

Maybe you have severe dental anxiety, maybe you recently discovered an impacted  wisdom tooth , or maybe you've just been busy. Whatever the cause, wisdom tooth pain can range from annoying to downright excruciating. Here are some tips that will help you a lot.   

Tip #1 - Clove oil and cloves

The ancient Egyptians used clove oil to treat wisdom tooth pain, and this natural remedy is just as effective today.  Many swear by clove as a more effective topical anesthetic than a stronger over-the-counter product. 

Each clove contains a small bud that contains a rich, analgesic oil.  For best results, remove the bud from a clove stalk or two and place it between the affected wisdom tooth and its neighbor, then pinch it to crush and release the oil.  The stalks can also be used in the same way and actually contain more oil than the buds, but care must be taken as they can be very tough and sharp.  Avoid swallowing the oil or chewing too many cloves at once.  It really only takes one or two.

Another option is clove oil.  Clove oil can be soaked in a cotton swab and applied directly to an impacted wisdom tooth for instant wisdom tooth relief, or applied to the gums.  This is a more effective option for cavities, especially those that are hard to reach between teeth, because the oil soaks right into the hole.  The taste is bitter, but you should feel some relief right away.

Tip #2 - Baking

Yes, you read that correctly.  Baking is a great temporary home remedy for tooth decay, and is especially useful if you have an infected wisdom tooth that has a cavity above an already impacted wisdom tooth.  Chew a small piece of white bread and use it as a makeshift filling.  The bread prevents air from entering the cavity and further excites the exposed nerves.

This trick is also effective if your wisdom tooth has a sharp angle that digs into your cheek or gum at the wrong angle.  It works similar to the pieces of wax your orthodontist gave you to prevent the braces from digging into your cheeks.  This can happen a lot when the wisdom teeth first erupt and settle into the correct alignment.  Use the chewed bread to cover the sharp edge and act as a filling between the tooth and the cheek.

Tip #3 - Over-the-counter oral pain relievers

Orajel Instant Pain Relief for severe toothache is the only over-the-counter product that has actually worked, including other Orajel products.  But this product is worth every penny when you're in pain!  I find that it works best if I pack some gel directly into the cavity and rub along the gum line.

Warning: This product is a heavy duty local anesthetic, so be careful not to fall asleep with it on.  Anything that touches the product, including your cheek and tongue, may be too numb to notice if you bite through the skin.

Update: I recently found that Anbesol Liquid Maximum Strength works just as well, if not better than Orajel.  Use it like clove oil and put a little bit on the impacted wisdom tooth, but be careful not to bite your tongue or cheek because it really numbs everything it touches.

Tip #4 - Ibuprofen

This is by far the best pain reliever for a toothache.  I have never had a dentist recommend anything else.

Warning: Make sure you are not allergic to ibuprofen first.  Contact your doctor for the correct dosage if you are looking for relief while waiting for an appointment, as they may have specific recommendations.  Ibuprofen is not supposed to be taken for a long period of time without medical supervision, as it can cause stomach bleeding.

If you are medically approved to take ibuprofen for wisdom tooth pain, make sure you follow your doctor's schedule like clockwork.  Painkillers are most effective when taken on time for a limited period, as wisdom tooth pain is easier to prevent than to treat.

Tip #5 - Rum

A little bit of rum on the tip of a cotton swab placed on the affected gum line or directly on the tooth can work wonders on wisdom tooth pain.  The rum numbs the area, giving you some much needed relief.  In fact, it was given regularly to teething infants, but these days it is clearly best reserved for people over 21 years of age.

Tip #6 - Chew on a damp cloth

For nighttime pain relief, wet a clean washcloth and bite on it while you sleep, or use a mouth guard.  Compression often helps relieve some wisdom tooth pain.  Just remember to use a cloth long enough so that you don't run the risk of suffocation during the night.

Caring for an infected wisdom tooth

If you have an infected wisdom tooth, it is common for the affected side of your face to swell, this feeling almost as bad as the pain itself.  Most dentists and oral surgeons will prescribe antibiotics to treat a wisdom tooth infection before surgery, as the infection can interfere with your ability to anesthetize.  However, while antibiotics are great at getting rid of infections, they can take some time to work.  During this time, you should avoid heating the area.  Instead, use a cold compress to soothe and numb the affected wisdom tooth and the tissues around it.

Another thing to do when caring for an impacted wisdom tooth is to always lie on the opposite side of your body.  When you lie on one side, the blood flows to that side more quickly, which can increase its sensitivity to pain and warmth.  Lying on the opposite side may provide some pain relief and help you sleep through the night.
