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Gluten free diet and gluten intolerance


Gluten free diet and gluten intolerance

Gluten free diet and gluten intolerance

Many foods that contain gluten contain unnecessary and unhealthy sugars and fats. By removing these processed carbs, sugars and fats, you will also improve your diet . You will replace these unhealthy foods with healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and healthy meats, which will give your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and keep functioning throughout the day.

Enemy number one: wheat flour

Unfortunately, many baked goods contain high levels of gluten. This means that you should avoid most baked goods that have been baked with wheat flour. This list includes brownies, pie crusts, pastries, cakes, and cookies. The good news is that these items are not healthy for you in the first place; They contain high levels of sugar and have very little or no nutritional value.

The second enemy: bread

Most breads also contain gluten. Watch out for all types of bread, including bread crumbs and crackers, too. Bread has very little nutritional value, and although you may like sandwiches, you should try to avoid bread if you're on a gluten-free diet.

The third enemy: processed meat

You may be wondering how processed meat can be included as an enemy on our gluten-free list. The reason many people avoid processed meat is that it is actually made from grains. Various grains are used in deli meats, hot dogs, sausage, pepperoni, and salami as "fillers" to hold the product together. Many people with gluten sensitivity quickly learn to avoid these products, even though they are considered meat.

Fourth enemy: grain

Cereals are also made from many grains and grain products and should be eliminated from your diet. While many grains claim to be healthy and nutritious, the actual grain content has little to no nutritional value. It is best to skip the cereal and eat a fresh fruit salad for breakfast.

Enemy Five: French fries and other deep-fried items

Anything that is fried or cooked in a deep fryer should be avoided at all costs. This includes chicken fast food and other fried foods. Not only do most of these items contain gluten, but the oil is also high in gluten. This combination can make these types of food difficult to digest. This grease and oil is not healthy for you at all.

Enemy Six: Salad Dressing

Do you think you're eating gluten-free when eating salads? Think again! Salad dressing can contain gluten. While it may contain small amounts of gluten compared to other food products, it may be enough to cause digestive problems or allergic reactions. We recommend that you purchase gluten-free salad dressing when eating salads. Small items like salad dressing require an extra bit of attention when you're working on your gluten-free diet.

The seventh enemy: candy and chewing gum

Many sweets and chewing gums are also made without gluten and flour. Most chocolate, malts, ice cream, and even root beer contain gluten. While the amounts may be small, they may be enough to trigger an allergic reaction. Also, sweets and gum are very high in sugar and provide no nutritional value. You're better off skipping the candy and exchanging it

Enemy Eight: Oils

Many cooking oils that are not 100% pure can contain gluten. This is why we recommend avoiding junk foods if you are trying to follow a gluten free diet. Not only is this oil very harmful to your body, but it also contains gluten. The same can be said of the cooking oil in your home. Try using organic coconut butter in place of regular cooking oils. Not only is it healthier, it doesn't contain any gluten.

10 foods you should eat every day if you are allergic to gluten.

Number 1: Safe Pills

Not all grains contain gluten, and you can use several grain substitutes when baking on a gluten-free diet. Brown rice flour, white rice flour, millet, and teff are all viable bread alternatives that do not contain any gluten. Quinoa and buckwheat are also options that you can use. There are many recipes that allow you to bake gluten-free with very tasty results.

2: Gluten-free starches

If you need a starchy bread, there are also some gluten-free examples. Cornstarch, arrowroot, and potato starch are all gluten-free. This will allow you to bake without having to worry about gluten getting into your body.

 3: rice

Rice is a great substitute on a gluten-free diet. Rice can be used in many different meals and should be a staple. Using rice and vegetables is a great way to ensure that your body gets all the nutrients it needs without having to use products that contain gluten.

 4: vegetables

Healthy greens and vegetables should also be your go-to alternatives to many gluten products. Replace gluten-containing side dishes with steamed or chopped vegetables. We highly recommend replacing one gluten-rich meal with a salad. Also, juicing vegetables can be a great way to start your day by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to make it through the day.

 5: fruits

We strongly recommend that you avoid sweets and products that contain a lot of sugar when you are on a gluten-free diet. Not only are these products considered unhealthy, but they almost always contain gluten. By adding fruit to your diet, you will not only avoid gluten, but also provide your body with the nutrients it deserves. So the next time you find yourself craving sweets, eat an apple or orange instead.

No. 6: the tortilla

If you are a fan of sandwiches and find it difficult to switch to a bread-free diet, you can try using tortillas. Both corn and brown rice tortillas are great to use as bread substitutes. Although it may not be as sturdy as bread, you can still use tortillas to wrap meat and make snacking easier throughout the day.

 7: oats

Many types of oats are gluten-free and can make a great substitute for bread crumbs. All you have to do is put the oats in a food processor and add some herbs. Oats can make a great bread for chicken or other dishes without risking gluten issues.

No. 8: Cornmeal

Cornmeal can be a great substitute for a variety of different gluten products. Cornmeal pancakes can be ideal if you are eliminating gluten from your diet.

 9: Nuts

Do you love toast and hate the idea of ​​giving it away? Many people use nuts in their salads as a substitute for toast. Nuts are also a great way to snack and provide your body with the energy it needs throughout the day. A quick and healthy snack, we highly recommend using nuts in your diet and salad.

 10: eggplant and zucchini

Eggplant and zucchini are actually great alternatives to pasta. Giving up pasta can be very difficult and many people struggle with this part of the gluten-free diet. All you have to do is cut the zucchini or eggplant into small strips. These can be great alternatives if you are struggling to give up pasta.
