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Treating asthma naturally with essential oils

Treating asthma naturally with essential oils

Treating asthma naturally with essential oils

Asthma is a type of respiratory disease that can be mild or chronic. During an asthma attack, the asthmatic presents with various symptoms caused by the blockage of your breathing passages making it difficult to breathe. This is because the muscles surrounding the airways are narrow, making exhalation particularly difficult.

This is one of the most common respiratory diseases, affecting up to 17 million people. Therefore, asthma treatment is very much in demand because those suffering from this condition have had to make certain lifestyle changes to adapt to their condition. After all, there are many "triggers" in the environment that can cause an attack. Although asthma has been able to break the age barrier, the majority of asthmatics are predominantly young adults. This is very sad knowing that one has to spend most of their time indoors to reduce the possibility of exposure to various allergens such as dust, mold or pollution.

Ways to use essential oils to treat asthma:

There are three methods that aromatherapists suggest to use in treating asthma using essential oils. However, there are two good reasons why you should think closely about choosing the application method you use in treating asthma symptoms. First, it will determine how effective the treatment will be. And secondly, you can prevent complications that may arise if you are not careful with the use of essential oils.

The inhalation method is most effective when treating any respiratory disease as the oil is broken down into easily absorbed molecular properties and enters the respiratory tract to produce a healing action. However, you should always do a sniff test to avoid any possibility of acquiring chemical sensitivities in the process.

The topical method of application, especially through massage, is an ideal way to reduce asthma symptoms. By focusing your massage experience on specific areas of the body where symptoms appear, you can enable the essential properties of the oil to penetrate your skin for quick absorption.

The most effective essential oils against asthma:

Asthma is basically a respiratory disease. Therefore, you need to use essential oils that have a massage effect on the respiratory system. The beneficial properties can be found in the decongestant, stimulant and anti-inflammatory essential oils. Below are the most effective essential oils



Ylang Ylang.







Atlas cedar wood.



Clary wise.


Angelica, etc.

Asthma massage oil.

Massage is one of the most relaxing and effective methods of aromatherapy. When it comes to treating asthma, massage also works best to stimulate the respiratory system and produce its corresponding effect, depending on the essential oil you are using. Asthma massage oil blend is most effective in relieving asthma symptoms such as inflammation and muscle spasms. You can reverse these symptoms by focusing the effect of the massage on specific areas of the body such as the shoulders, back, chest and feet.

Your asthma massage oil will consist of a blend of essential oils: 16 drops of lavender, 3 drops each of peppermint, eucalyptus, and ylang-ylang, and 2 drops of almond oil (as a carrier oil).

Asthma vapor.

To prepare asthma steam, there are two recommended essential oils that you can use: eucalyptus and lavender oil. You can combine them or use them individually when preparing your asthma steam and both methods work well. Prepare 3 cups of water in which you will add half a tablespoon of your chosen essential oil. Then place the water over a heat source until it begins to boil. Turn off the heat so you can add the essential oil.

Use a towel or cloth to cover your head while you place it over the basin containing the essential oil mixture. The heat will release a vapor that contains the molecular properties of the essential oil that you absorb as you inhale the steam. For best results, you can perform this technique three times a day.

Inhalation scrub for asthma.

One of the effects of asthma is blockage of the nasal passage or airway, making it difficult to breathe. You can then prepare an essential oil inhalation scrub to reduce asthma symptoms. To prepare this, you will need the following: 6 drops lavender, 4 drops geranium, and 1 drop each of marjoram and peppermint oil. Be sure to dilute the essential oils with an ounce of your chosen carrier oil.

Mix all ingredients until well blended. The most effective way to apply is to rub it on your chest before bed. To avoid the occurrence of negative reactions, do not forget to take a sniff test.

Chest rub for asthma.

Two of the best essential oils available to treat a wide range of respiratory ailments, including asthma, are lavender and chamomile. Therefore, you can use both of these oils to make a respiratory tonic that provides relief during an attack or to prevent an asthma attack.

Combine the following ingredients to prepare your chest rub: 20 drops of carrier oil, 8 drops of lavender, and 2 drops of chamomile. Mix all of these ingredients together before transferring them to a storage container where you can store them until ready to use. Simply massage your chest with small amounts of the essential oil mixture. For preventive measures, you can regularly apply the oil to your chest a few hours before bedtime. Since both lavender and chamomile oils are mild oils, they are safe to use in children with asthma.

Asthma face splash.

This soothing face spray is best used during an acute attack, which enables you to keep your calm. Therefore, essential oils that have antihistamines and sedative properties are ideal oils to use during an acute asthma attack. For this natural blend of essential oils for asthma, you will need the following ingredients: 7 drops of lavender, 5 drops of cedarwood, and 2 drops of marjoram.

To prepare an asthma face spray, pour cold water into a basin until full. You should then pour in 2 drops of the facial mist mixture and mix well until combined. Then spray the essential oil mixture on your face. While doing this, be sure to keep your eyes closed to prevent the essential oil mixture from getting into your eyes. After spraying, pat your face dry. You can repeat the process as often as possible.

That's it for today. If you feel there is something useful, please share this with your loved ones, and don't forget to reveal your thoughts in the comment box. Or if you have any great ideas or any questions, don't forget to share them by commenting. Until then, be happy, keep smiling, keep asking questions, and please keep reading my articles. See you in the next article.
