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Hair loss due to disease or male pattern baldness is a painful experience for many people

Hair loss due to disease or male pattern baldness is a painful experience for many people

 Hair loss due to disease or male pattern baldness is a painful experience for many people


Hair loss, whether due to disease or male pattern baldness, can be a traumatic experience for many people. Alopecia is the medical name for baldness, and it refers to all types of hair loss, including temporary and permanent hair loss.

What is alopecia areata and how does it affect you?

Men and women are equally affected by this disease, which creates patches of baldness the size of a huge coin. Alopecia areata can affect anyone at any age, but it's most common in teens and children.

At least half of those with this disorder have a first bald spot before they reach the age of 21. They are most common on the scalp, but can appear elsewhere on the body. In most cases of alopecia areata , hair grows back within a few months to a year.

Many factors can contribute to this, including iron deficiency, autoimmune disorders, and even stress. Hair may go back fine and white at first, but it should thicken and return to its original color over time.

Postpartum alopecia areata can occur in both men and women.

Some people develop a more severe type of hair loss, in which they lose their hair completely.

Alopecia totalis (there is no hair on the scalp) and alopecia universalis are two terms for the same problem (there is no hair on the scalp and body). Alopecia areata is a type of alopecia that is caused by a problem with the immune system and is more likely in patients with overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), diabetes or Down syndrome.

What are the different types of alopecia?

There are many types of alopecia that can affect people, in addition to alopecia areata.

Pattern hair loss is the most common type of alopecia, and it affects both men and women. This pattern of hair loss is medically known as androgenetic alopecia , but many people are not aware that it is a type of alopecia. Males with this condition usually notice a receding hairline because their hair is falling out and starting around the temple. It can appear to women in the form of light hair all over the head. This is a normal component of aging and should not be considered a cause for concern. About half of men over the age of 50 suffer from hair loss, while half of women over the age of 65 suffer from androgenetic alopecia. Because this is permanent damage , your hair will not grow back, but the process can be slowed down.

Alopecia scarring:

Even when the cause is the same, alopecia can present in several ways.

Cicatricial alopecia refers to a category of alopecia that appears in various ways on the head.

Inflammation, infection, burns, and autoimmune diseases can cause this type of hair loss

Because hair follicles are destroyed and replaced by scar tissue, hair becomes unable to recover.

This can form in patches around the front, back, and sides in some cases (known as anterior fibrous alopecia) and across the front of the head in others (known as anterior fibrous alopecia) (lichen planus).

Other people may notice that their hair begins to fall out from the top of their heads and spreads from there, a condition known as cicatricial alopecia centralis.

Alopecia results from chemotherapy.

This type of alopecia, also known as respiratory alopecia, results from chemotherapy patients and is a side effect of chemotherapy that is often one of the most obvious side effects of treatment.

This is most commonly associated with cancer treatment, but is not limited to cancer patients. Alopecia can cause hair loss all over the body, thus some people lose eyebrow hair and eyelashes during this time. Depending on your dose, you may experience moderate hair thinning to complete baldness.

Telogen effluvium:

 It is a type of telogen hair loss in which when your hair goes into a period of rest and falls out, this is a less expected type of hair loss. It is a natural process, but if more hair enters this stage than usual, it can lead to hair thinning and baldness. For many people, hair loss is caused by a physical or psychological accident, and it can go away on its own.

Traction alopecia:

This alopecia occurs when hair is plucked in a certain way for an extended period of time. Traction alopecia is caused by tight hairstyles such as ponytails or using hair extensions too often. When hair loss is first noticed, it can be treated, but repeated tugging can cause irreparable damage to hair follicles. Once the hair starts to thin, stop using tight hairstyles and let it grow back.


It is a mental illness in which there is an uncontrollable urge to pull your hair. The scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes are frequently targeted. Hair follicles are damaged and stop growing after repeated plucking, which is why excessive plucking prevents them from growing again.

Causes of hair loss:

• the disease.

• Stress.

• Cancer treatment.

• Weight loss.

• Iron deficiency.

What are the options for treating alopecia?

Treatment is not required for the most common types of hair loss, such as male and female pattern baldness, as it is a normal part of aging . However, there are treatments that can be investigated, and anyone concerned should consult their doctor.

1. Hair transplantation is a frequent treatment for baldness.

2. Alopecia areata is usually treated with steroid injections, but a steroid cream, gel or ointment can also be used.

3. To stimulate growth, it is injected or applied directly to the bald spot.

4. Finasteride and minoxidil are the two medications now available to treat pattern baldness.

5. Women should only use minoxidil, which is not available on the NHS.

6. Alopecia can also be treated with phototherapy and scalp reduction surgery.

7. Because these treatments can be expensive, it is often more cost-effective to use wigs.

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