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Nutrition and appendicitis and the most important symptoms and causes of inflammation

Nutrition and appendicitis and the most important symptoms and causes of inflammation

Nutrition and appendicitis and the most important symptoms and causes of inflammation

Did you know that in the United States, appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdominal pain needing surgery? It is more common in males than in females and occurs most often in people in their teens and 20s.

What is appendicitis?

First, let's know what appendicitis is all about. Appendicitis occurs when the appendix becomes inflamed, most likely due to a blockage. It can also be acute or chronic. The appendix is ​​a small pouch attached to the intestine. It is located in the lower right abdomen. When the appendix is ​​blocked, bacteria can multiply inside it.

 This can lead to pus formation and swelling, which can lead to painful pressure in the abdomen. Appendicitis can also block blood flow, and appendicitis can cause intermittent pain. Or it may burst (rupture) causing sudden, severe pain. A ruptured appendix can spread bacteria through the abdominal cavity. This bacteria causes a serious, sometimes fatal infection called peritoneum.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) states that the most common symptom of appendicitis is abdominal pain that begins near the belly button. It will then advance down and to the right.

Symptoms of appendicitis:-

The most common signs and symptoms of appendicitis in adults and children are:



stomach ache.




Fever and swelling in the abdomen.

A person may also experience a frequent and urgent need to urinate, although this is not very common. The location of the pain may also vary, depending on your age and the location of the appendix. When you are pregnant, the pain may seem to come from the upper abdomen because the appendix is ​​higher during pregnancy.

The full symptoms of appendicitis take time to develop. In fact, it can take up to 48 hours or two days for signs of appendicitis to appear. During this time, you may feel varying degrees of pain. You may lose your appetite and may experience bouts of vomiting. There are people who report diarrhea or constipation while many also report no change in their bowel movements or habits.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to diagnose appendicitis in its early stages because there are other stomach conditions that show similar symptoms. People with gastroenteritis, for example, have gastroenteritis. They also suffer from severe abdominal pain. Because the symptoms are somewhat similar, many people who actually have appendicitis leave the hospital with a diagnosis of gastroenteritis. These conditions are especially common in children and the elderly. They often have fewer symptoms than appendicitis, so it is difficult to diagnose them correctly. Unfortunately, a misdiagnosis often leads to serious complications.

Nutrition and appendicitis:-

It has been discovered that nutrition has a primary effect on appendicitis through the different foods we eat in our diet, and cases have revealed that vegetable and fruit seeds can lead to appendicitis. The seeds of various foods may cause a blockage in the appendix, such as cumin, walnuts, oats, figs, grapes, barley, oranges, cocoa, dates, and melons.

 This is due to some studies that the seeds have natural toxins. Researchers say that healthy people can easily digest these seeds but not all of them, based on the fact that people with weakened immune systems cannot digest these seeds which leads to a blocked appendix. Also greasy and spicy foods, spicy foods can cause inflammation and painfully annoying indigestion. Appendicitis can occur along with another condition, such as gastritis.


To resolve this effect, these foods must be avoided in our daily food intake and there are some foods that we must include in them: Foods rich in protein, vitamin C and fiber must be eaten regularly; Fresh fruits and vegetables should also be included in our diet in sufficient quantities. Eating eggs can also be a good source of protein and zinc, which helps prevent appendicitis.

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