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Natural hair loss treatment and the most important essential oils and vitamins to prevent hair baldness

Natural hair loss treatment and the most important essential oils and vitamins to prevent hair baldness 

Natural hair loss treatment and the most important essential oils and vitamins to prevent hair baldness

Baldness for no apparent reason is a affliction largely restricted to men. It is usually hereditary and always gradual, starting from the front of the scalp, on the side or in a circular area at the top. Today I will talk to you about natural hair loss treatment and the most important essential oils and vitamins to prevent baldness .

Both men and women lose some hair as they age. However, if the hair loss is sudden, it may be a symptom of a disease, especially a hormonal disorder. The most common cause is an overactive or underactive thyroid gland. If this is successfully treated, the hair will grow back. Some other glandular diseases, especially those involving the pituitary gland, have similar effects. Hormonal fluctuations may occur after pregnancy and lead to hair loss, but the system usually adjusts very quickly.

And any serious illness, especially if accompanied by a fever, may lead to hair loss from the whole body and not just the scalp. Medicines used to treat diseases, especially cancer, can also cause hair loss, as can radiation therapy. And when treatment is stopped, hair usually grows back. Taking too much vitamin A can lead to hair loss. You may also lose your hair if you experience sudden and excessive weight loss - people with anorexia nervosa often lose their hair and may go bald.

Children often lose small areas of hair if they have ringworm, a highly contagious fungal infection that spreads throughout the community from time to time.

Supplements and vitamins for hair loss.

Vitamin deficiency can be a cause of hair loss, and getting enough proper vitamins is a very effective hair loss treatment.

People who are deficient in B vitamins are more likely to lose hair or lose their hair completely. Taking a daily vitamin B complex - especially one that contains B6 and B9 (also known as folic acid) can help maintain your hair.

Another way to deal with the problem of baldness is to try to improve the blood circulation in the scalp. Vitamin E and coenzyme Q-10 help with this, by increasing oxygen uptake. Also, taking a daily vitamin C supplement will help maintain blood flow to the hair follicles on your scalp, which is very important for healthy hair.

Essential fatty acids such as flaxseed oil, primrose oil, and fish oil will keep hair strong and prevent dry, brittle hair that breaks or splits easily. The amino acids L-Cysteine ​​and L-methionine also improve the texture and quality of your hair and naturally promote growth.

Essential oils for hair loss.

In a recent study, topical application of essential oils was shown to improve hair loss in nearly half of the participants, without any side effects. The specific properties of some of the oils used not only help in stimulating growth, but also massaging the scalp daily (in applying those oils). As an added bonus, your hair will always smell great.

Add 3 to 4 drops of each of the following to 4 ounces of a carrier oil such as jojoba, grapeseed, or almond, and massage your scalp once daily:

  • rice water.
  • Zaatar.
  • Lafander.
  • Rosemary.

Note: Test a small amount of this mixture on your inner wrist to monitor for allergic reactions before use.

Natural hair loss treatment.

If baldness is in your family history, it may eventually be inevitable. But you can help prevent or slow the progression of hair loss in a natural, healthy way by taking vitamins and herbal supplements daily and using aromatherapy massage to stimulate new growth.

Natural herbs for hair loss. 

Herbal hair loss treatments can also be very effective. Specific herbal supplements are a great addition to your vitamin regimen, as they work together to help stop hair loss.

  • Algae and seaweed are rich in minerals and antioxidants that help prevent baldness.
  • Ginkgo biloba increases blood flow to the brain and skin, providing additional nutrients to the scalp that will help nourish your hair follicles.
  • Ginseng regulates cell metabolism, which may slow hair loss.

That's it for today. If you feel there is something useful, please share this with your loved ones, and don't forget to reveal your thoughts in the comment box. Or if you have any great ideas or any questions, don't forget to share them by commenting. Until then, be happy, keep smiling, keep asking questions, and please keep reading my articles. See you in the next article.
