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Involuntary urination is one of the problems that threaten children and expose them to severe embarrassment

Involuntary urination is one of the problems that threaten children and expose them to severe embarrassment

 Involuntary urination is one of the problems that threaten children and expose them to severe embarrassment

Involuntary urination is one of the most prominent problems that threaten children and expose them to severe embarrassment, and they may be punished for this, but it is a pathological problem that must be dealt with with caution. Bedwetting in children is caused by psychological factors in more than 90% and due to physiological factors in a proportion ranging from 5%:10%.

The most important physiological causes are:

  • Problems with the bladder muscle or wall, in which case the child is given a drug that regulates the bladder muscles to regulate the urination process.
  • In the case of an active nervous bladder, treatment requires medications that relax the bladder muscle to inhibit its work, and if it is not useful, it is preferable to inject the muscles with Botox for its role in paralyzing the overactivity of the bladder muscle and thus reduces its activity and helps to relax.
  • The presence of congenital defects in the spine through which the nerves feed the bladder, and any defects in it affect the efficiency of the work of the bladder, and these cases require surgical intervention.

psychological reasons:

As for the involuntary urination resulting from the presence of psychological factors, it occurs as a result of the child's feeling of constant fear and psychological instability, and his exposure to mistreatment, whether by parents or even by friends. And his treatment needs in the first place to deal with involuntary urination as if it were normal and to draw his attention that this behavior is wrong and that his place is the bathroom and not the bed, and he is helped and trained in that through these matters.

  • Avoid giving the child any sweets, fruits or liquids two hours before bed.
  • Training the child to control the process of urination and follow up after sleeping every two hours, and wake him up in case he wants to urinate and go to the bathroom.
  • Preparing a table for the child in which he records the number of days he did not urinate on the bed, and he will be rewarded for that with what he likes.

In order to get rid of this problem from the ground up, we must be careful in dealing with the child, and there are some instructions that must be followed when dealing with the child, including:

  • Avoid harsh reprimands of the child, no matter how wrong the child is, and deal with the situation with discussion and attention.
  • Avoid punishing the child harshly and use wise techniques to get his attention or deprive him of his favorite things.
  • Reward the child for good behavior, and punish the child for the mistakes he committed.
  • Containing the child emotionally and psychologically to relieve the pressure on his nervous system, and thus be able to relieve psychological tension.Avoid making fun of him or comparing him to those around him.
  • Avoid permanently threatening and punishing him.
  • Avoid quarrels in the presence of the child.
  • Avoid watching violent or terrifying scenes.
  • Avoid insulting the child in front of others, and if his parents want to punish him, they should punish him at home.

That's it for today. If you feel there is something useful, please share this with your loved ones, and don't forget to reveal your thoughts in the comment box. Or if you have any great ideas or any questions, don't forget to share them by commenting. Until then, be happy, keep smiling, keep asking questions, and please keep reading my articles. See you in the next article.
