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Tooth decay in the early stages in children

Tooth decay in the early stages in children       

Tooth decay in the early stages in children

Some young children suffer from " bottle tooth decay" due to drinking from a baby bottle, and for extended periods of time containing sugar components. There are drinks that parents can avoid putting in their child's bottle: soda, water mixed with sugar, sweetened drinks, sweet tea, fruit juice, or added sugar to milk. 

Babies who sleep with a bottle in their mouth can cause early tooth decay for them. Parents can wean their child off a bottle and put the milk into a 'drinking cup'. This way a young child can drink their drink without the symptoms of early "childhood tooth decay", due to drinking from a baby's bottle all day, rather than from a cup.

The upper front teeth are affected when a child consumes sugary drinks from the bottle, for long hours throughout the day. Symptoms of tooth decay can also spread to other teeth in a child's mouth, not just the front teeth. Once the teeth decay, they may turn yellow, brown, or black; Neither parent wants this to happen to their child's teeth.

Preventing tooth decay in young children:

  • Parents can be sure to take the bottle out of the child's mouth when emptying it. 
  • Use a feeding bottle to breastfeed only, not to breastfeed.
  • Baby can drink a bottle of water before nap time, which will also clean the mouth.
  •  Avoid giving your baby sweets or other sweets while he's sleeping in bed.
  • Visit your child's dentist at age 2-4.
  • Give juices in a "baby cup", not the bottle.
  • Wean your baby from the bottle at 12-14 months.
  • Introduce your baby to a "drinking cup" at 6 or 7 months of age.
  • Breastfeed your baby, as this reduces the chance of tooth decay.
  • Clean your child's gums and teeth with a cloth, gauze pad, or small, soft toothbrush; And cleanse the mouth with coconut oil.
  • You can start your child using organic toothpaste at 6-8 months of age.

Avoid Feeding Baby Syndrome:

  • Read your child a story at night, rather than letting him sleep with a bottle at bedtime.
  • Hold your baby while he sleeps.
  • Give your child a pacifier or a soft toy.
  • Wash their gums or teeth with a very small amount of coconut oil.

Coconut oil is an antibacterial oil that prevents tooth decay.

Avoid the chances of your baby's tooth decay, by breastfeeding your baby as soon as he is born. Learn about breastfeeding while you're pregnant to learn more about it before the baby is born. Breast milk is one of the best gifts you can give your child because of its many health benefits for both the mother and the baby.

Preventing children's tooth decay:

Breastfeeding Tips for a New Mom

There are many benefits of feeding your baby breast milk, which is nutritious and replaces the baby with formula feeding. Breastfeeding helps the new mother lose weight faster, especially in the abdominal area.

One of the things I remember reading about breastfeeding: Breastfeed your baby as soon as he's born. Avoid letting the nurse take the baby to feed him formula milk, if you are already planning to breastfeed. Breastfeeding related topics also let mothers know what to eat when breastfeeding. Breastfeeding not only helps the newborn, but the new mother as well. There are more advantages than disadvantages when it comes to breastfeeding and these advantages include:

Advantages of breast milk:

  • It prevents many childhood diseases such as colic and diarrhea.
  • Reduce the risk of constipation.
  • It protects against ear infections, allergies and digestion problems.
  • Reduce the risk of tooth decay (cavities).
  • Studies have shown that breastfed babies have higher IQs and improved brain development.
  • Breast milk is always at the right temperature for your baby.
  • The child has a closer emotional relationship with his mother.
  • Breastfeeding saves time and money.

Breastfeeding For mothers who choose to breastfeed their babies, you will surely find it one of the sweetest and most precious time to take care of their baby.

Any mother who breastfeeds a baby over 2-3 months old can clearly relate to this phrase. While breastfeeding a baby certainly involves a personal time commitment, it's a good time, and one you'll never regret spending.

That's it for today. If you feel there is something useful, please share this with your loved ones, and don't forget to reveal your thoughts in the comment box. Or if you have any great ideas or any questions, don't forget to share them by commenting. Until then, be happy, keep smiling, keep asking questions, and please keep reading my articles. See you in the next article.
