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The stages of a child's development in the womb from conception to birth

The stages of a child's development in the womb from conception to birth

The stages of a child's development in the womb from conception to birth.

The process of childbearing and its development inside the mother's body is a very beautiful and amazing phenomenon. Before taking its first breath, a human child must go through an astonishing and miraculous transformation from a single cell to a complex, self-sustaining organism. This article contains the stages of a child's development from a unicellular zygote to a multicellular human being.

Let's go step by step.

first month:

Fertilization: The union of male gametes (sperm) and female gametes (egg or ovum) is known as fertilization which produces the first small part of a man’s body called a zygote. Fertilization occurs in the female reproductive system. Sperm remain alive for 72 hours after entering the vagina, but their ability to fertilize an egg lasts for 48 hours. So, the period from 12 to 18 days of the menstrual cycle is correct for a woman's pregnancy, because ovulation (release of the ovum or secondary oocyte from the ovarian follicle) occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle from any side. from the ovary. Although many sperms surround the egg, only one sperm is allowed to penetrate the egg

After fertilization in the fallopian tube, the sperm nucleus and the egg fuse to form a new cell (the zygote), this cell contains 46 chromosomes, 23 of each parent cell. When the zygote travels to the uterus, it divides, forming a group of cells (thymocytes) about 3 days after fertilization. The thymus develops into a cavity and is now known as the blastocyst, which will become the embryo. This blastocyst floats freely within the uterine cavity for about 48 hours before attaching to a site in the endometrium (endometrium), and about 10 days after fertilization, the blastocyst is fully implanted into the endometrium, forming the placenta within the cell covering. From the blastocyst cavity, it then develops into a fluid-filled sac that covers the embryo and yolk sac.

second month.

The egg, or ball of cells, is now officially an embryo. It is a tenth of an inch long and its cells are in three distinct layers. The outer layer forms complex structures such as the brain and nerves and simple things such as hair and tooth enamel. The middle layer will turn into bones, muscles, blood vessels, and the heart, as well as part of the lungs. The inner layer makes up the liver, intestines, urinary tract, and the other part of the lungs. A fold forms at both ends of the fetus: one will be the head and the other will be the buttocks.

By the time the fetus is six weeks old, small bumps have formed and the arms, legs, and vital organs such as the stomach and lungs will find their places. Then the two parts of the heart, which have arisen separately, begin to beat. Also during this time, the umbilical cord forms, which is attached to the uterus at one end and to the baby's navel at the other. This is the lifeline that provides nutrition to the baby.

By the end of the second month, the fetus begins to look more human. The eyes emerge from the brain and position themselves on the face and the child's hands begin to separate to form fingers. With the eyes still on the sides of the head and not in the front, though, the little boy still looks like an alien from The X-Files.

the third mounth.

With the onset of the third month or at the end of the first trimester, all major internal organs begin to develop. By the middle of the month, the testicles develop into boys and the ovaries in girls. However, the external genitalia is still not clear. Even at this point, sex cannot be determined, even with the best ultrasound available.

embryo development. 

After eight weeks, the cartilage skeleton begins to turn into bone. The body is almost complete now. When the fetus reaches nine weeks of age, it is no longer considered a fetus. In this historic week, it's officially "Jenin" / "Jenin". The umbilical cord of the fetus is fully formed at this stage and contains large blood vessels: one large artery and one large vein. The rope is very stiff and tightly filled with blood, in order to avoid any kinks; Such an event can be fatal for a young child. 

By the end of the 12th week, the baby is about 90 mm long and weighs 45 grams. At this stage of development, the eyelids form above the eyes. After this happens, the eyes remain closed for most of the remainder of the pregnancy.

Fourth month.

During this month fingernails begin to form on newly shaped fingers, the gallbladder begins to create bile, and the baby's blood is made using its own bone marrow. By the middle of this month, the external genitalia become distinctly male or female. All hair types begin to form, including head hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and the fine hair that covers the entire body called lanugo. This unique hair grows all over the body in a circular shape and disappears shortly after birth. By the 16th week of pregnancy , the baby is 140 mm long from crown to rump, just over a third of the size it will reach in pregnancy Full, weighs about 200 grams. The heart now pumps 30 liters of blood per day.

the fifth month.

After 20 weeks, the baby is 190 mm from head to rump and weighs 460 grams. Muscles and limbs are given, which were much stronger this month than last month, and baby begins to be able to move around to explore this little world, as well as push and kick things. If the baby's thumb gets close enough to his face, he grabs it and begins to suck it. This instinct is when she is ready to nurse after birth. Inside the intestine, the baby's first stool is formed, which is called meconium. 

A baby born during the 22nd week has a 14.8 percent chance of surviving. About half of these survivors developed brain damage, either from lack of oxygen (from poor initial breathing) or too much oxygen (from a ventilator). Neonatologists expect that no baby will be able to survive before the 22nd week, because before that the lungs were not fully formed.

Fetal survival rate: “Most babies are not resuscitated at 22 weeks because survival without significant impairment is very rare. The chances of a baby surviving increase by 3-4% per day between 23 and 24 weeks of gestation and about 2-3% Daily between 24 and 26 weeks of gestation.After 26 weeks, survival increases at a much slower rate because survival is already high.

The sixth month.

After 26 weeks, the fetus is 14 inches long and weighs approximately two pounds. Bronchioles develop in the lungs and connections between neurons in the brain begin. And the higher functions of the fetus's brain are turned on for the first time. And some primitive brain waves become indications of consciousness.

They are revealed.During this month, the bones harden, grow and gain weight rapidly, others can feel the baby's movement, the only other important thing this month is, although the baby will not need to use them until the moment of birth, the lungs are fully formed and ready to breathe.

the seventh month.

A baby at this stage is 16 inches long and weighs about three pounds, and can detect regular brain waves similar to those in adults. Things are getting tighter this month as the baby continues to grow. And he goes into a typical fetal position with his legs bent in his chest. The child is very active during this month; In fact, as the mother lies in bed at night, she may actually see the shape of her entire stomach change as her baby changes position.

During this month, the eyelids, formed in the second month, begin to open, awakening the child's sense of sight. Now he could see as much as he could hear. The brain also grows rapidly, becoming folded and wrinkled; Each department is assigned its own duty, such as controlling speech or recording memories. If the baby is a boy, the testicles that have formed in the abdomen will begin to descend into the scrotum.

eighth month.

At this stage the baby is 18 inches long and weighs about 5 pounds. If the baby is born at this stage, he will have a good chance of surviving. And the child gets a lot of antibodies from the mother’s immune system this month to protect him from the many diseases that can affect him after birth, but this is temporary immunity that goes away after birth, but this immunity can be prolonged by breastfeeding.

The ninth month.

 The baby is now 20 inches long and averages 7 pounds, and a full-term fetus is usually born around this time. Growth finally begins to slow as the baby is ready to come out.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby lies head-down, with the head usually the first part to appear at birth. The baby moves into the position he would have taken during birth. Although exactly what triggers labor remains a mystery, it will eventually happen. The mother's labor begins (following hormonal signals including those from the placenta) the muscular uterus contracts to deliver the baby. The cervix gradually opens to allow the baby to pass into the vagina (birth canal). The amnion ruptures and releases its fluid (often referred to as a "water break"). Contractions become more frequent as the baby is pushed through the cervix and into the vagina.

The baby is born after labor that varies in length but usually lasts a few hours. Panting and screaming began to work the lungs. The umbilical cord is cut and the baby is checked and weighed. A normal birth weight is around 3,400 grams, or about 7 pounds. Finally the membranes and placenta are expelled. The baby no longer needs a direct life support system as he can now breathe air and breastfeed.

That's it for today. If you feel there is something useful, please share this with your loved ones, and don't forget to reveal your thoughts in the comment box. Or if you have any great ideas or any questions, don't forget to share them by commenting. Until then, be happy, keep smiling, keep asking questions, and please keep reading my articles. See you in the next article.
