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10 natural ways to whiten teeth without the need to visit the dentist

10 natural ways to whiten teeth without the need to visit the dentist 

10 natural ways to whiten teeth without the need to visit the dentist

When it comes to making your teeth whiter, you have all kinds of options, from whitening strips to the more expensive laser whitening treatments offered by your dentist. Some of these treatments can be very expensive. Luckily.

 There are plenty of home remedies that can help you get a brighter smile at a fraction of the cost and without any harsh side effects. In fact, many of the products that include these natural teeth whitening remedies are likely already in your kitchen. Here are 10 natural ways to whiten your teeth without having to visit the dentist.

Try professional whitening strips.

Use apple cider vinegar.

Use baking soda and lemon juice.

Use coconut oil.

Avoid smoking.

Use baking soda with water.

Use strawberries.

Use hydrogen peroxide.

Use bananas.

Use activated charcoal

1. Try professional whitening strips.

Brushing your teeth daily, flossing, and mouthwashing are all great oral hygiene habits that you should actually do. But if you want to take your dental health a step further, try professional whitening strips. These thin strips are coated with a peroxide-based gel that helps remove stains from your teeth and brighten your smile. 

Peroxide is the same ingredient that dentists use for professional whitening, and it's paired with an elastic material called polyethylene for easy application. The strips are designed to conform to the shape of your teeth, so they stay put and can be worn comfortably as you go about your day. And the best part is that it is affordable.

There are two different types of whitening strips available: Crest 3D White Whitestrips Glamorous White (18) and Crest 3D White Whitestrips Professional Effects. Both work well, but if you have more stubborn stains on your teeth or just want a whiter smile ASAP, try the Professional Effects version.

2. Use apple cider vinegar.

You know that apple cider vinegar is good for your body, but did you know that it is also good for your teeth? it's the truth. Apple cider vinegar can help whiten your teeth and kill harmful bacteria in your mouth.

The acidity in apple cider vinegar helps kill bacteria and remove stains from the surface of the teeth, thanks to the high level of acetic acid. Simply swish a teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar in your mouth before brushing (not after, which can erode tooth enamel) or add a little to water and use as a natural mouthwash.

There are other ways to use apple cider vinegar to whiten teeth naturally. Besides mixing with regular apple cider vinegar, try mixing it with baking soda or coconut oil. Another option is to dip a damp toothbrush into the powdered apple cider vinegar (rinse for 20 seconds and then brush your teeth as usual.

You don't have to rely on apple cider vinegar alone to get whiter teeth. You can also use it along with other natural remedies. Some people report that regular use of activated charcoal helps whiten their smile.

Note: Do not use this method if you have tooth decay or cracked teeth, as the acidity may cause further damage to your teeth.

3. Use baking soda and lemon juice.

Baking soda is a safe and effective natural teeth whitener, as it contains no artificial colors or flavors and has been shown to be effective in removing plaque without damaging your tooth enamel. Baking soda helps remove stains, whiten teeth, and eliminate bad breath. It also helps you fight cavities, tooth decay, gingivitis and gum disease, all of which can cause tooth decay.

Baking soda is an abrasive that can help break up plaque and stain particles on your teeth. When used with lemon juice, which contains citric acid that can help whiten your teeth, these two substances combined can be a powerful teeth whitening treatment.

Pour some baking soda into your hand and add enough fresh lemon juice to make a paste. Wipe your teeth and use a paper towel to remove excess saliva. Put a generous amount of paste on your toothbrush. To avoid the acid's effect on the enamel, leave the paste on for a minute before rinsing it off. 

You can also mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water and dip a wet toothbrush into the mixture. The best time to try it is at night, right before bed. While you sleep, saliva production decreases, and this allows lemon juice to stay on your teeth for longer without the risk of damage.

4. Use Coconut Oil:

Whitening your teeth with coconut oil is a good idea. When you use coconut oil as a mouthwash, it's called "oil pulling." Reduces bacteria in the mouth that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Coconut oil also has antibacterial properties and can help fight bad breath. You can use coconut oil as a mouthwash for 10 minutes at a time, two to three times a day. 

Coconut oil teeth whitening is a process called “oil pulling” and it is a very old practice that has roots in Ayurvedic medicine (Ayurvedic medicine). so, what is it? Oil pulling is the process of moving oil in your mouth for extended periods of time. This may sound strange to you, but it works!

Why does oil pulling work? The theory behind oil pulling is that the toxins in our mouths are pulled through the fat particles in the oil and then spit out. Once these toxins are removed.

When you first start oil pulling, it is recommended to start with short sessions (5-10 minutes) and then gradually increase the time as you get used to it. It is also important not to swallow any oil because of the toxins that may go back into your body. Instead, spit it in the trash or in the sink. The process should be done on an empty stomach every morning before eating/drinking anything.

Here are five reasons to use coconut oil to whiten your teeth.

  • Coconut oil is a natural antimicrobial agent, which means that it helps fight gingivitis and tooth decay by killing harmful bacteria in the mouth.
  • Coconut oil helps remove stains from the surface of the teeth, which helps whiten your smile naturally.
  • They're healthy fats that provide a quick source of energy and can help you feel full faster, which means they may aid weight loss!
  • Coconut oil helps strengthen teeth and improve dental health by supporting the production of tooth enamel.
  • The lauric acid in coconut oil may help improve bad breath by reducing odors caused by bacteria in the mouth and throat.

5. Avoid smoking.

One of the worst things you can do with your teeth is smoke cigarettes. Smoking destroys the good bacteria and replaces them with bad bacteria. Bad bacteria create plaque and tartar, which causes stains and gum disease. It also damages the gums and erodes tooth enamel, causing tooth decay.

6. Use baking soda with water.

Baking soda is a natural whitener that many people use on their teeth. It is moderately abrasive, which means that it can remove stains from the surface of your teeth without harming tooth enamel. To whiten your teeth with baking soda, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of water to make a paste. Brush your teeth with this paste for at least two minutes before rinsing. It may be best to do this once or twice a week. Some people find that brushing their teeth with baking soda daily can severely erode their tooth enamel.

Although there is no evidence that brushing your teeth with plain water will change their color, some studies suggest that using a mouthwash that contains fluoride can help prevent further staining by stopping the growth of bacteria and plaque in the mouth. Try washing your mouth with plain water after eating or drinking stain-causing foods or drinks.

7. Use strawberries.

There are some foods you can eat to help whiten your teeth naturally. Strawberries are one such food, and they actually contain an enzyme called malic acid, which is often found in many commercial teeth whitening products.

8. Use hydrogen peroxide.

If you are looking for a natural way to whiten your teeth, hydrogen peroxide is a great option. It is a bleaching agent that can help remove stains caused by coffee and other dark-colored liquids.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used in two ways:

Add 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to a glass of water and mix well. Rinse your mouth for about thirty seconds with the solution. You should notice an instant difference in the brightness of your smile! Repeat this process for best results.

Use a cotton swab or your finger to apply hydrogen peroxide directly to your teeth. Leave it on for a minute before rinsing it off with water. Remember to never swallow hydrogen peroxide - it should not be swallowed! Swallowing it can cause stomach irritation and other side effects. 

This can be a safe way to whiten teeth, but should only be used once or twice a week and should not replace regular brushing and flossing.

9. Use bananas.

Have you ever tried to whiten your teeth with bananas? No, don't eat them. using the inner part of the shell. It's meant to be a natural way to whiten your teeth and has become a popular trend on social media sites like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.

According to some people, rubbing the insides of banana peels on your teeth for two minutes daily can naturally whiten your teeth over time.

And the science behind it is pretty simple: Bananas are rich in potassium, magnesium, and manganese, which can help remove stains from teeth while promoting strong enamel. Simply take a banana peel and rub the inside on your teeth for two minutes, making sure to cover each tooth. Then brush normally with toothpaste. You can do this once or twice daily until you see results or make it a part of your daily dental routine because there is really no downside.

10. Use activated charcoal.

Black Charcoal Powder is a type of carbon that absorbs toxins and helps whiten your teeth by removing surface stains. However, it is important to note that activated charcoal will not whiten your teeth, but will help remove the color and make them brighter.

Activated charcoal is made by burning and oxidizing regular charcoal before crushing it into a fine powder. Unlike other ingredients in toothpaste, activated charcoal doesn't just sit on top of your teeth - it's porous and can absorb bacteria-laden plaque that discolors tooth enamel.

To whiten your teeth with activated charcoal, wet a toothbrush and dip it in activated charcoal powder. Brush your teeth as usual, paying special attention to the areas with the most staining. Sip a little water, rinse with teeth and spit. Rinse well and brush the teeth again with just water.

That's it for today. If you feel there is something useful, please share this with your loved ones, and don't forget to reveal your thoughts in the comment box. Or if you have any great ideas or any questions, don't forget to share them by commenting. Until then, be happy, keep smiling, keep asking questions, and please keep reading my articles. See you in the next article.
