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Renewable energy sources versus non-renewable energy

Renewable energy sources versus non-renewable energy

Renewable energy sources versus non-renewable energy

Also known as alternative energy, clean energy or green energy sources ; Renewable energy sources have a number of benefits that make them an excellent alternative to non-renewable sources (fossils); It is expensive, dangerous and exhausting.

The difference between non-renewable and renewable energy sources is distinct; Non-renewable energies take several years to form and cannot be renewed in a short period of time: while on the other hand; Renewable energies can be replenished at a similar rate of consumption.

frankly non-renewable energy sources; Which includes oil, coal, natural gas and uranium - is the main resource of energy in the world today and will continue to be the main source of energy in the world for the foreseeable future.

On the other hand; The global demand for energy is constantly increasing as the world's population is growing exponentially every day: the significant growth in the world's population has a direct impact on the available energy resources, especially the non-renewable or fossils that meet the largest percentage of the population. The world's total energy in supply.

Ideally the world's energy consumption is steadily increasing; And the fossils are exhausted. However, this should not bother energy suppliers, because according to many energy researchers such as the Society of Petroleum Engineers; Fossils are now abundant and will provide the world with energy for the foreseeable future.

Nor should the depletion of non-renewable energy sources be among the main determinants when evaluating energy sources for implementation in different regions: this leaves us with four main factors determining which are between non-renewable and renewable energy resources.

The 4 most important reasons behind the superiority of alternative energy sources:

Renewable energy sources have a number of valuable factors that make them the world's only energy resource of the future. While we cannot underestimate the roles that fossils play; It is greatly depleted and cannot meet the world's increasing energy consumption; which various researches estimate to rise by 50 percent in 2020. On the other hand; Excavations are associated with a number of negative economic and environmental factors as follows:

1. Cost factors:

The total production cost of non-renewable energy sources is always higher compared to alternative energy sources; This explains why the end products of non-renewable energy components such as petroleum and propane are so expensive for consumers to make up as much as possible; and the total cost incurred in its production.

Extraction cost:

Firstly; Excavations such as oil and coal are related to the cost of extraction, which is incurred when extracting raw resources from underground. Heavy machinery which is used to break the soil surface must be operated and maintained by trained professionals who are paid accordingly. Beside; So these machines require enough power in various forms to function. On the other hand; Renewable energy sources are not associated with extraction costs because they are abundant and readily available for use by anyone.

transportation cost:

Secondly; Non-renewable energies are associated with the cost of transportation; Which is incurred when raw materials extracted from the extraction sites are transported to the manufacturing sites. Depending on the extracted raw material; These fossils can be transported by water, air, and land using railroads, roads, or pipelines. 

On the other hand; Alternative energies, such as the sun, are not linked to the cost of transportation and can be used directly from the source when appropriate solar technology and high quality solar panels are used.

Manufacturing cost:

Third; Non-renewable energy sources have to do with the cost of manufacturing. Crude fossils such as oil, coal, etc., need to go through numerical processing stages in order to be a final product that can be useful in saving energy. ; The cost of maintenance done for the manufacturing machines is also incurred, not forgetting the wages, salaries and commissions which are paid to the whole work force.

On the other hand; Alternative energy sources do not need to be manufactured, because they only need energy conversion technology such as windmills, solar panels, water turbines, etc.; To convert energy into a useful form such as electricity.

The cost of containing natural gases:

natural gases such as carbon dioxide; It is the main cause of global warming. as; There is always an additional cost to contain such gases as part of environmental policy makers' requirements to help control global warming, so that the environment is maintained in a reasonable composition of clean air and hazardous natural gases.

On the other hand; Alternative energy sources are considered green energy technology because they do not produce natural gases that affect global temperatures.

2. Environmental factors:

Non-renewable energy sources pose many environmental risks; Air pollution, acid rain, water pollution, global warming, rising sea levels, melting ice and hurricanes include:

Global Warming:

global warming for example; A major environmental problem for several years remained without clear solutions to help control damage to the environment: non-renewable energy sources are associated with the production of dangerous natural gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen.

When the composition of these natural gases rises in the atmosphere; Global temperature increases dramatically which is not conducive to living things including humans, animals and the environment.

On the other hand; Global warming has a number of significant impacts on the environment; Including rising sea levels, melting ice, and more recently it has been linked to the potential to cause a stronger hurricane.

acid rain

Acid rain is among the ill effects of non-renewable energy sources; It is caused by nitrogen from fossils as one of the components. Acid rain has a number of limitations; Including causes of deteriorating human health conditions, deterioration of forests, destruction of buildings, and pollution of water sources such as lakes and streams.

Sea level rise

Rising sea levels today are very common all over the world and places various regions such as coastal cities and islands at risk of being claimed by water. Sea level rise is caused by global warming caused by the production of natural gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

destroying aquatic life

The transportation of fossils such as oil through lakes and seas caused oil to seep into the lakes causing damage to aquatic plants and animals. Oil spills are among the most serious disasters caused by fossil products.

Distortion of useful land

Drilling crude oil, coal and natural gases from the ground involves a number of environmental challenges such as large-scale land deformation and deforestation; This results in the wastage of productive land that could be used as a farm to boost the economy, watersheds and the cultivation of human food. Drilling rigs like oil face a number of controversies due to serious and extreme environmental impacts; This is what led to a halt in the pursuit of trapping the vast oil reserves of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

3. Efficiency and Capacity:

Currently; Non-renewable energy sources have impressive efficiency and capacity and meet the largest proportion of global energy demand. However; There is no doubt that the efficiency and capacity of renewable energy technologies are increasing at a higher rate; In the near future, the efficiency and capacity of fossils may be compared. Several renewable energy technologies exist for a longer period of time; Its efficiency and capacity are greatly improved as new and advanced technologies enter the market.

Investors, researchers, and governments around the world are working to ensure that the world's green energy technologies improve in terms of efficiency and capabilities for fossil completion. Larger capacity photovoltaic panels have been manufactured and some are already in operation in developed countries such as China, USA and UK.

On the other hand; New and efficient technologies in wind energy, geothermal energy, biogas and hydropower are also greatly improving; Brewery capacity and efficient wind and water turbines have been improved and add to the world's total energy supply.

4. Economic and Employment Effects:

Renewables are among the primary global economic boosters in both developed and developing countries around the world: the technologies used to convert renewables into electricity need to be operated and maintained by trained professionals; Thus creating jobs for skilled individuals.

On the other hand; Semi-skilled and unskilled people in these areas where there is clean energy also get the opportunity to work and improve living standards there.

That's it for today. If you feel there is something useful, please share this with your loved ones, and don't forget to reveal your thoughts in the comment box. Or if you have any great ideas or any questions, don't forget to share them by commenting. Until then, be happy, keep smiling, keep asking questions, and please keep reading my articles. See you in the next article.
