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The benefits of omega and atherosclerosis - Can omega-3 treat atherosclerosis effectively?

 Benefits of Omega and Atherosclerosis - Can Omega 3 treat atherosclerosis effectively?The benefits of omega and atherosclerosis - Can omega-3 treat atherosclerosis effectively  ?

Atherosclerosis is a thickening of the arterial walls due to cholesterol deposits. And if you've been diagnosed  with atherosclerosis  , we have some good news for you. Omega-3 and atherosclerosis are linked because omega-3 fats can help remove plaque naturally.

You probably already know that plaque buildup in your arteries can cause serious health disorders including high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, nervous breakdown, and improper circulation. Studies of atherosclerosis reveal that the omega-3 fatty acids can help remove plaque deposits from the arteries naturally and in a safe way.

Omega-3 is a family of polyunsaturated fats that play a key role in maintaining a healthy heart and mind. These fats are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

To keep your arteries clear of plaque, you should follow a diet rich in omega-3s. The main food sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, hockey, and sardines.

However, eating fish naturally regularly can lead to the deposition of toxins such as mercury, metals and PCBs in your body. Hence, it is safe to consume molecularly distilled fish oils. Molecular distillation is a refining process used by manufacturers to remove all toxins and contaminants from fish oils making them completely safe for daily consumption.

Fish oils are the richest source of EPA and DHA fats. Wondering how omega-3 fats prevent plaque buildup in the arteries? Or how are omega-3s and atherosclerosis related? 

High cholesterol is the main cause of plaque formation. The DHA and EPA fats found in fish oils reduce harmful triglycerides in the blood and increase levels of HDL, or good cholesterol, in the bloodstream.

Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides are bad cholesterol that forms plaque and sticks to the walls of your arteries. This causes the arteries to become clogged and the blood circulation in the body to be disrupted. HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol that carries excess cholesterol to the liver to be excreted from the body. It also removes some of the cholesterol attached to the arterial walls and reduces plaque formation.

There is another link between omega-3 and the treatment of atherosclerosis. Both EPA and DHA fats have blood-thinning properties. Thus the consumption of fish oils can reduce the formation of plaque through thinning the blood. This reduces blood clotting and allows for better blood circulation throughout the body.

Fish oils that are high in omega-3s can do wonders for your heart, mind, skin, and joints. One of these high-quality oils is extracted from Hoki fish found in New Zealand. Hoki is a cold-water fish and has naturally high levels of EPA and DHA fats.

Omega-3 supplements, especially fish oils, when taken regularly, can help remove plaque in your arteries and keep your body healthy.

The effects of atherosclerosis on heart health:

1) The development of atherosclerosis, rupture of plaques, and heart rate are all factors to consider. Heart rate (HR) may have a role in the development of coronary artery disease and its associated risks. The severity and progression of atherosclerosis on coronary angiography has been linked to males who had a heart attack at an early age

Mechanical and metabolic factors may play a role in atherosclerosis caused by an increased heart rate. Endothelial damage may increase arterial wall stress, increasing the complex sequence of reactions that lead to atherosclerosis. Plaque research reveals that administration of the -blocker delayed the development of thickening of the inner layer of the carotid artery in asymptomatic people. A high heart rate has also been linked to a higher risk of coronary plaque rupture.

b) Vascular endothelial dysfunction and heart rate.

Endothelial dysfunction has been linked to negative cardiovascular problems, and is a critical component of the processes that cause atherosclerosis to develop and spread. Lipoproteins can enter the intima due to endothelial dysfunction and undergo in situ oxidation and glycation.

Increased endothelial dysfunction due to this movement, which will increase macrophage attachment to the endothelium and migration into the endothelium. The production of extracellular matrix will then help to create a fibrous fatty lesion, atherosclerotic plaque. The plaque can rupture and improve intraluminal clot efficacy, resulting in acute coronary syndrome, when circulatory stress and extracellular matrix degradation occur.

c) Decreased pure heart rate to maintain endothelial function.

HR does not affect blood pressure, myocardial contractility, or intracardiac conduction in rats, and it has no effect on blood pressure, myocardial contractility, or intracardiac conduction. The ability of endothelial vasodilators was used to show preservation of endothelial role.

An increased heart rate has been associated with common risk factors and an increased risk of coronary plaque rupture. Reduction of pure HR prevented the progression of atherosclerosis and improved endothelial function in animal experiments.

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