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How to control excessive sweating

How to control excessive sweating


How to control excessive sweating

While sweating during strenuous exercise or a hot, humid summer is perfectly normal, some of us don't sweat like the average person. Instead, we find ourselves sweating after a short walk or even an event. Fortunately excessive, some involve some simple switchovers from your regular routine, others that involve a bit of medical intervention. 


Most people sweat when exercising or exerting themselves, being in a hot environment, or when anxious or under stress. Excessive hyperhidrosis exceeds the normal rate of sweating.

The type of hyperhidrosis that usually affects the hands, feet, under the arms or the face, causes one episode each week, during waking hours. Sweating occurs on both sides of the body. Sometimes excessive sweating is a sign of a serious condition.

Seek immediate medical attention if excessive sweating is accompanied by dizziness, chest pain, or nausea.

Please refer to the doctor in the following cases:

  • Sweating disrupts your daily routine.
  • If sweating causes emotional stress or social isolation.
  • I suddenly started sweating more than usual.
  • You experience sweating at night for no apparent reason.

Fortunately, there are several ways to control this excessive sweating, including:

Choose an antiperspirant instead of a deodorant.

Deodorant is usually the go-to for someone who suffers from hyperhidrosis, however, although deodorant may mask the odor, it won't stop you from sweating, which means it won't be long before it gets worse again. On the other hand, antiperspirants cause a rise in the pH which allows the aluminum salts inside the antiperspirant to block the sweat ducts. This results in decreased perspiration as well as the unwanted side effects that come with it.

Wear and wear breathable clothing.

Many synthetic materials such as polyester synthetic fabric are notorious for their unpleasant odor when perspiring. This type of clothing doesn't allow enough room to breathe, which is why choosing the most breathable clothing can be incredibly helpful when it comes to reducing the odor that comes with sweat. In addition, fabrics such as cotton also absorb some of the sweat which helps dry the problem area. Some of the best breathable fabrics include cotton, linen, and wool.


Believe it or not, Botox is actually capable of doing more than just removing fine lines and wrinkles. Just as it paralyzes the muscle into which it is injected, Botox (and other neurotoxins) paralyze the sweat glands in the areas where it is injected. The most common treatment areas for this include the armpits (or armpits), hands and feet.

 Botox for hyperhidrosis has been approved by the FDA and is often covered by health insurance since it is approved for medical use as well as for cosmetic purposes. You can get Botox for hyperhidrosis at a regular doctor's office or at a medical spa. Experts suggest getting the treatment once every three to four months for best results.

Avoid spicy foods.

If you enjoy spicy foods, you may have to slow down. Spicy foods contain a chemical called capsaicin, which signals your nerves to make your body feel hotter. For people who already struggle with excessive sweating, adding spicy foods to the mix may not be the best idea. Instead, you may want to stick to more refreshing, hydrating foods like salads and fruits. If you want to add some spice here and there, be sure to follow the steps above to avoid letting sweat get in your way.

There are quite a few options that can help you lower your levels of sweating and mask its odor. The best way to find out which option is right for you is to talk to your doctor and try to find the root cause behind your sweating. It may have something to do with hormones or other imbalances.

That's it for today. If you feel there is something useful, please share this with your loved ones, and don't forget to reveal your thoughts in the comment box. Or if you have any great ideas or any questions, don't forget to share them by commenting. Until then, be happy, keep smiling, keep asking questions, and please keep reading my articles. See you in the next article.
