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The main symptoms of bladder cancer that you should get immediate medical help

 The main symptoms of bladder cancer that you should get immediate medical help

The main symptoms of bladder cancer that you should get immediate medical help

The bladder is a vital part of our urinary system. This hollow, flexible organ of the body collects urine from the kidneys before it is eliminated. Bladder cancer is often a disease that accumulates within the tissues of organs. It occurs once cancer cells grow and affect all or any layers in the bladder.

The causes of bladder cancer are usually not clear. However, health experts identify the following issues as disease risk.

1 - Bladder cancer can occur at any age, but the majority of cases show that it begins to appear at the age of forty.

2 - White races are often more susceptible to this particular cancer compared to other races.

3 - Men are more susceptible to infection compared to women.

4- Smoking damages the lining of the bladder. This is due to the harmful chemicals in cigarettes. When you smoke, your chances of getting sick increase.

5- Chemicals such as arsenic can cause the risk of bladder cancer. The kidneys filter most of these dangerous elements from the bloodstream and pass them to the bladder.

6- Radiation therapies and prescription cancer drugs used to treat a previous cancer also increase the odds of developing the disease.

7- Serious urinary problems can cause squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder.

8- A family history of cancer could be another factor.

What are the stages of cancer?

Stage Zero - This is of course the least comprehensive stage. At this time, the cancer cells are only inside the upper part of the inner lining of the bladder.

Stage I - Most cancer cells are currently located within the innermost part of the lining of the bladder but are still far from the muscle tissue.

Stage II - In this stage, the spread of cancer cells into muscle tissue occurs.

Stage III - At this time, cancer cells in the bladder muscle mass have spread to the surrounding tissues. This can affect the prostate (in males) as well as the uterus or vagina (in women).

Stage IV - This simply means that cancer cells grow and enter the abdominal muscles or pelvic walls. Cancer cells may already be in the lymph nodes, lungs, or other surrounding parts of the body.

What are the symptoms of bladder cancer?

An unfamiliar color of urine is a very common sign. The fluid may appear dark yellow, bright red, or brown.

Blood in the urine is another symptom. In some cases, you will need a lab test to find blood in your urine.

Painful and frequent urination is one of the first symptoms of bladder cancer. The pain is usually due to the growth and development of carcinoid tumors within the tract. You will discover situations in which people feel the urge to urinate but result in the inability to do so.

Presence or recurring urinary tract infections (UTIs) can also be a usual warning sign.

Frequent discomfort in the abdomen and lower back is a common symptom of bladder cancer. Many patients also experience discomfort in the anal or pelvic areas.

Bladder cancer treatment

Bladder cancer treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the type of cancer, and the patient's age and general health. Options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy. Surgery can include removal of the bladder, prostate, and lymph nodes resulting in the patient needing an external urine device, but if detected in the early stages, the tumor can be removed using instruments inserted through the urethra.

Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells that are taken orally or intravenously. In patients with early stages of bladder cancer, medications may be injected into the bladder through the urethra. Some of the side effects of chemotherapy can be severe and include headache, abdominal pain, blurred vision, fatigue, heavy bleeding, infection, and weakness.

Radiation uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells. The external beam is emitted by a machine outside the body and the internal radiation is emitted by the pellets implanted in the tumor. Either type can be used after surgery to destroy remaining cancer cells. Side effects can include proctitis, skin irritation, fibrosis, and impotence.

Immunotherapy may be used for superficial bladder cancer. Treatment enhances the immune system's ability to fight disease. A vaccine is injected through the urethra into the bladder once a week for 6 weeks to stimulate the immune system and destroy cancer cells. Side effects can be cystitis, prostatitis, and flu-like symptoms.

Bladder cancer has a high recurrence rate. Urine cytology and cystoscopy are done every 3 months for 2 years, every 6 months for 2 years and then annually.

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